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Show Will Rheumatism Again i t Bind You Hand and Foot? j H There are thousands of victims of H I rheumatism who dread the approai h of H damp wintry weather, for it means to H j hem a return of the pangs or rueu- H If you had rheumatism last year and j t treated only the pains of the urease i ( by rubbing with liniments and lotions. 1 ou will be In the shackles of this re B i lentlcss foe. You may get somo slight 1 temporary relief from the pains of the 'i i j dlseace by the use of theae local rem IJ ft i edits, but rheumatism la too real and 91 U I relentless a dlcase to be rubbed away K l( you wixh to break the shackles of ! the disease, and free youresU from Ha domination you must treat the source of the disease. So many cases of rheumatism come from a liny germ In the blood, that you ' should tr a remedy that has proven so thoroughly satisfactory in these cases B B. S., the fine old remedy, cleanses the tdtKid of all tinpuriile". anil t.-moee t.-moee all disease germs that may; creep into ihe blood. Begin taking B. S. B. today, and If you M Trrito a I complete history of your case our mcd leal director will rive you expert ad ice, without charge. Addre- Chief att ilea'. Adviser, 2i Swift Leboratory. jAtlanta. Oa Advertisement Have It Repaired I Cleaned or Rebuilt Like New-., and Cut the High Cost of Living ' The Standard-Examiner's Repair Directory gives 11 r principal places where an article can ha cleaned or rebuilt like new. Hoover says save. Here's you can do it. 'i P t FOR FINE AUTO PAINTING BRING YOURBRoiT ( s'e'' Ui 1 1 F'P'E 1 Prop. Store No. 2 m ) 9 2343 Hud'Jn Phon? 119 Hudson Ave. .md 25ttt $. BS FREE AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL f AT THE BINFORD-KIMBALL MOTOR CO 'l 2612 Washlnoton Avenue Wf' : Every Saturday night .it 7 p. m. Free picture show and lec- WL JjnuJry 22. Special Fordson Night. "Jr Kr ' rTjl VULCANIZING THATS RIGHT ! -85ffiBrlri3 'our worn tlre or casing to us. W rnjlr iwJ I ' S vffij N EW. Rc-trcadlng work .ilso our srecla ty. 'SSB f OGDEN FELT AUTO SUPPLY rJ ' -trlbutors of Diamond Tires B- 220D Washington Avenue 1 y WE rF.PA!K STRING AUTO WSPTVrSST S , instruments of in II bboI -"IU.Hi Kyi I kind- Violins. VIO 2fS I &"PBPk Ml , 406 25th St. I iiaton Avenue SSjR -oSk t'ATS CLEANED """"""""B A RblocKea ana ir-m- j We renl tl"Mn mjBH r"ed ,lk ne,v' brln0 pA,r Jn-r m,k. HfjrjT It ,htm t0 us for 0"r- A vorld's Lent vjcua.n dfl ' vordw,.7orr.:dansoup; m cr- "The Ap- bs prices rcuonnbi'. M appliances of : kllfBSiS T ySm 'ST WAPPLER HV Paired and iold. (LJkm The H.tor 'W I Corner Twenty fourth SJf AOAMS SALES CttB3 and MuJon Avenue L Hu , lRi YOUR USED RECORDS TO US We Buy. Sll and Exchange All Kinds of Records THE RECORD EXCHANGE 411 Twenty-third Street FOR GUARANTEED J Fcr SitltfKsB'1'" Cs WATCH REPAIRING cuncKLw -X - ' 1 1 r,JD-)l' w-1tcnps rV ) A PFPAiBlsWS? i fr VCIocks. Rings and Jewelry 4 I I tH""'Mg .' -ipf -ill kinds or remake your ANr 1 1' 1 1 ' yiwelry In newest designs. fmmmfaa on u- RlKt U nn!' Railroad watches my spe ly I V . . ( - 1 GEORGE F VAUGHN WITH ' W ES shOMsBS UNCLE SAM LOAN CO l - f 278 Twenty fifth Street '-'lr FOR CYLINDER RE-GRINDING Boring or auto accessories of all kinds sec us. Wc tarry the rr.it SB ; line of accessories In the city. Bi ' CHEESMAN AUTOMOBILE CO. Olstrbutcrs for Euli-k.. Dodgei and Peer Ii W. t 2566 Washington Avenue f ' MADEeTEWS rOK - IGHT MACHINE REAg MmTnL Ne w and second- vhether it's arin i JfaSStSti MBHhIH hand motors bought. chine wo ot jn, oe nptl. SgfgfgWktj JS sold and exchanged Lv.n mowers ih.'r:friM "HkllS B A. C. and D. C. ar. made for motors. HfN mature trjnsfo.ni ers, massage machtnti. tc j JmiBBSw r and generators ( ,epan anytnma-" M' W PreUdnd P I U-.AH ELECTRIC WORKS Twenty third StrertSMt , 2174 V.uhlngton Avenue Phone 787 mtn SSMWaMllDi-MM"", HS. 1 BRING YOUR CAR IN OCFORE THE BIG SPRING , - . RUbH ygAJggl We locate the real trouble and fix It Fre service tSsBBLill; on all cirs we overhaul This fne ir.s your car Ic taken ' 7Hr& care ot until you get your money's worth. HMnh J M PIERCE AUTO CAR REP I ' ..KFtl Washington Avenue 'Vir CRING YOUR BROKEN f 0r upholstering, I, , "" GLASSES TO US. tresses nude oer. S! S. We repair ,en. or Jupll- ;dpe,;.athVrV "ncvaVOIB ' th'-"r,' to conform '"jai 7 !, , , ' ,, A --K? 0fer w,th your exact prCSCr,p" moCrseer me PnltB) Cl t,on. Eye. tested. ion'ble . Sati.r- H WILLARD R DOXEY t , guaranteed- ml Optometrist . . rsm 2-t7o Wa-.hlngton Phone 11Jii-vv E J H A ' Ov-r Culley Drug Co. 6 Sec oh J -' RADIATOR REPAIRING ftSfStiri For quick sure. safe, guaranteed radiator red B? LVMiSffil Frozfn- broken, leaky radiators repaired reai-- "' t p OGDEN AUTO RADIATOph': 1 TRUNKS REPAIRED Furnace. l htat VBfcv T , Complete line .1 f : . fr ' .jfcw ' STt'e a"t h f' J Around Corner from Standard-E 1 11 , 2273 Hudion A.e fBfr-f$ Geo- whiteside Gh'c & Decor,i,iii , TU Window Glass. Paint and WaM PaPf- PJP r iSSHiw fm II '"0. Unt'na 0''"fl. re.Mverlng PjP - - jBkvictor, Columbia any KpACD 0" frrS MfacifcBKmake machine or phono- tfflfYrS nx'rvi flrapn cleaned, repaired or f&Ldf 1.;. '; ir . f IHIHtjUili over Ilka new b e- Jone on r K Ptrtt. Piano, al.o tuned. jib rejs?"tv- NH "-VR.C music co 0GD'ePCLcei I I I S. T Storey. Mechanic I If - 'BbtvJ I 2S24 Washington Phone t 7 3 j WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS Our prices cn new and u.ed furniture n-3t reasons ' , 'ffwtot We pay the highest price, for cj furnitjre in tne "J wbBIK11 V STOWE'S NEW AND SECOND-HAND STJJ These Shops Appear Wednesdays and SstuJ |