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Show T H LATRL S . a. 1 Huge Audience Enjoys Fine Presentation of Comedy. "Three Wise Fools" It would be bard to imagine a niorc delightful play than "Three WJss F'ools." which wan given by a splendid company before a huge audience at , .h' Qrphetim theatre Iftal niKht. I-", the delineation of interesting characters the play is in a dtaaS i , Belt i'ti'I In addition It has the ele-mrnfs ele-mrnfs of coiiiedy. inystery. romance J and pathos In the right jiroportion to make a most welcome theatrical of- fei Ins The pla tells the story of the in-terestlng in-terestlng things which happen after three old bachelors, who hav(. lived together for years and followed a re- I ular routine, are left a pretty woman to care for It would he .i crime to tell more of the plot because many 1 who did not see ibS. pIAj last night , will bl enjoying1 its surprises tonight. Most of the laughs center about ! Claude GUIlngwater w tio plays the part of ftie grOitrtiy Theodore Klnd- ,le. one of the three bachelors. He did not need to say more 'nan ; ' humph" to convulse the audi- nos Harry Davenport. most finished actor, was lu Richard Gaunt, another I of the three bachelors and a delightful delight-ful character Howard Gould played with fine effect. the role 04 the third member ot the Wo, Judge Trumbull To Helen Moiken falls the difficult role of .Mis.- Sidney Fairchlld, the I girl who Ih wlllerl her mother to 1 the three old rogt Her technique v ss unusual but was particuiari sf I fsctlve in ihe dramatli and emotional I scene at the eloee of the second act. Another fine actor Is lonal l Poster, Pos-ter, who was Gcrdon Schuyler, ! nephew of the grourhy Kindley. In dialogue with the uncle he wa es- pectkll) good The other players do not have a great deal to do but th success of I the evening was In great part due 10 . the p!nd!d manner In whiih these I lesser character handled their roles and kepi the yrr sentat Ion of the pi ! on an unuaually high standard. Th( St I players were Mlnnt Reroaley, as the houaekeeper: Wallace Fortune, Harry LeightOHi Millard Vincent, Harry I Forsman, Joseph Garry. Herbert S.i inder Mt.d George Sn.-'v.i |