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Show FURTHER LOAfiS TO EOROPE TO WAIT 01 SENATE Secretary Houston on Stand Before Committee Investigating In-vestigating Advances WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 Secretary i Houston today agreed with the senate Judlclnry committee not to make any! additional loans to foreign governments, govern-ments, no matter how pressing the do-' mand might be, until ho had consulted tho committee and given It full time j for deliberation, .Mr Houston appeared before the Committee for questioning as to all the details of loans already made to for-' oign nations, and particularly as to tho legality of each transaction Ho had with him a Kreat mass of correspondence correspond-ence and other data and was exam- lned by Senator Heed. Democrat, Mis-; sourl. author of a pending resolution; to prohibit further advances to for-l elgn nations. RJ ED I B Oi ESTIONEII, Senator Reed said he would take up, each loan in turn and call for the correspondence relating to It. He alsoj explained that ho would ask three principal quest ions in each case, the first to ascertain tho authority given for credits advanced, tho date of the advances and the purpose of each and tho balances and obligations against each advance. LOANS TO t .Ft Us Loans to Czecho-Slovakla were first I Inquired into. The treasury secretary produced a letter to President Wilson under date October 4, 1918. asking it C Cho-Slovakla had been rqcognlzed and whether the treasury was authorized auth-orized to make loans to It The White House, ho said, "approved" the letter on the next day. and the first commit-j meitt to that nation to the amount of, S7.UO0.000 was authorized on April 8, 1919 The examination of Mr. Houston got only as fur as the loans to Czecho-j Slovakia, tho hearing being adjourned- until Mondaj after it developed that Mr. Houston had not brought with him all the datu sought. |