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Show Little Benny 4 The Park Ave. News. Spoarts. A boxing exhibition for fun started to tuke place In Redd Merfys I back jard between Reddy Merfy and Skinny Martin las Satldday. but rile after af-ter the ferst part of the feral round Sklnnv Martin stopped and would ent start agen on account of saying he was more In fun than wat Rcrtrtv M.-rf was Among those present trying in gsl ihe ex lb! t Ion started agen was Beuoj Potts,! Am.- Allxander. Leroy Shooster and i;.P Wernlck. Bilding Notes. Sid Hunt Is blldlng a new dog house for his fox terrier Teddy, but It would proberlv be more oarnaimu-tal oarnaimu-tal than useflll. on account of every lime Sid tries to make Teddy sleep In a dog house he barks all nlte lusted of sleeps, proberlv considering If a reguier house; Is good enuff for other pecplc Its good enuff for him. Slssiety Miss Loretter Mincer Is lern- Ing to sing by taking singing lesslns. ony judging by the sounds sh.- nosenl b-rned mutch so far, Some by Skinny Martin. Unlxpected Pleasures I Ike brekflst. I like luntch. And I like supplr too. But tbe meal that 1 (njoy the best Is the meel between en) other I'eni lis . harpened wile ou wait. for a .-nl Points garanleed. u new lumly Point pencil sharpener rented out by the djay. week or munlh. Kny child can werk It without danger See Lew Davis. |