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Show J. 4.1 Notes in book form for sale a Badly Sprained Ankle Cured. this office- Three years ago our daughter Sprained her ankle am! had en suffering terribly for two days shJ bad not slept a minute. Mr. Sight us jberlains Stomach and Liter Tablets, stalling, of Butler, TenuiT toldWe of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. roi fn.n sn had pnt over two to the store that night and got 40llars for medicine and treat-- a bottle of It and bathed her wiWUient was cured by a few boxes of two or three times and ahe went tolthese tablets. Price. 5 cents Sam Sons drug sleep and bad a good night's rest. jpa free at John Doyden The next morning she was "much better andln a ahort time eould walk arourdand had no more trouble M. with her aukle.-- E. fhe Celebrated Belgian Stallion Hampton, Tenn. 25 and CO cent And will do is now on the road sixes. Boa. For sale by John Boyden service in the central part of the county. Terms $12.00 straight. Butter Wrappers. Get a good colt while you have Butter wrapper (printed wil' chance. be charge for at this office at The Belgian Horse Co. Additiol Cfcas 1 Bom in Iowa Our family ware all born and raised in Iowa, and have need Chamberlain's Colic, ICholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy (made at Des Moines) (or years. We knew how good it is from long experience in the use of it. In fact, whan in Paso, Texas, ths writers life was saved by ths prompt use of this remedy. We are ,now engaged in the mercantile business at Narcoos-seFla ana have introducs ths remedy hare. It has prevsn very successful and is constantly grow, This ing in favor. Ennis Bros. remedy is most address. City, nw,ri Cmfaiip mm mn, .CswuIIIX-'r,nl- sr JUpettve Clark r M lurtkvr Sifttvri latwrsastioo Notice to Creditors. , of Robert Walker, deeeseed. Orrdltor 111 present claims with vouchers to the nedersigned at bis rSvldenes In OcWlfle. Hununlt County. Utah, oa or before tue Kill day of September, A. D, 1S-W- . I. RUI BY, of Robert A.1i.tf!.tratr of to Xitls -- WaUs-n duaed. HEADERS XS Largest HAGAZIRE gtnrtrr y.cyg.gae: XAOAxm I h-- s To All Health Officers, r Wen. A aB r At this season of the year 4 determined effort ahould be map to eAXXtA CtAFT derated eatk bm4 te As w prevent the propagation Am wp.. Attias f A Ul $1.00 weA el imiUm isd yrMSieil flies and to provide screens la exclude them from houses. It likw ot a TBOVtin tronxis known that they are direct etvters ioab a keek el 7J ftps eeeteedes 120 eelend of disease gsrms, feeding a pern ths $075 blipli wte h Celdewie secretions and excretions gives off eed Owe- from communiable diseases. inch . . $3-3el as typhoid fever, tuberculosis, sum$1.50 mer complaint of infants, etci, and AH for . . . . if Alton all erder le depositing the material upon varSUE SET KlGAZnri , ious articles of food to which they See Fesdei Heed Befldaff ) may find access. Flies breed in maanre heaps and other filth, being there recognized maggots. All aneh mslerlal should be removed and kept rnov-- d from premises, and It Is tin duty of Health Officers to cause ibis to bs d&ne. Local papers sboild bv SITING MACHINE. to , tou.it ttAttNa to cal requested attention the men ctAoi. lUbjecLand people should be asked to eoewratgulo? thsbuawp Ipotoet-ioJffiiere is no question rut' that many lives may be saved front tydurphoid lever and other montlis uy ,u.c.-llgeing tne next four ions and faithful of-ba- se J T-t- a difficult, and somstlmaa impossible to ref effWIf "Wove wire tenting over uneven surfaces of ground. This serious difficulty la now over come by having the fence manu factured right on the ground, woven to your fence posts. . We ars now prepared to build your fence, over mountains, over hollows and any other old place, a; prices less per tod than the sa;.,' fence In the rolL We are p titr to lake your order for wf the more. Call and ee .. ' J fencle . want some mce Fencing, Fancy Ifoa Gates, for tl e front of your lotor cemetery lot. . We are in tbe front ranks on these goods. This class of fencing Is always good, and pleasing, to the Charlks H. Wkst, eye. 17. Hoytsville, Utah, July - , Kkttns Rvana, Attorneys. JWf v( a;k pubAlay Xh test. Jane 11 Your return card printed w too envelopes for 75 cent! t John Boyden & Son isSKCfSCSffi FENCING MADE EASY lotlccS. S Agents for Sherwin- - IV illiams Painls and Varnishes. "LJ 1 makers of paints and varnishes in the world. THE TIMES office. For sals by John Boyden A Son. found that It r For solo by oil trooero e, rial, , Probi't ud - Regulation Coil Fencing and Gates tjtf camp ground, where tbesetoesd your childhood were enacted. Lotf life full of contentment and lutiig joy ts you aod yours. 1 s 411-- Self- - 4 EVANS. f0 hearty welcome back to old - Attorneys for Plaintiff. Atlas Bloeh. Balt Lake of Hoytsville. has juit received a carload of the e ext-tl- ns - I sart Oil as.H. 3 e sit, 0 sl J IT W. if and JUrs. I. JS. Duffin return- Fid ' r.'oai Idaho points last evenifig t js. W.J.Ctmninghaa), of Kansas y, Kansas, is the ghest of her SHERWIN-WILLIAM- The man who does not advertiss JUalrlrl Court of tbs Third Judl-etIMstrtet to end few Summit County. because he tried and failed should Stele of Kvaiu, plaintiff. v Iwrld Janus throw away his cigar bscauae the Evan, defendant- - SUMMONS. light went out. Tbs Stats of I'tuh to said Defendant: to apprsr Yon ere hereby fummmtsd A VITAL POINT. wltbla twenty days after the sendee of tbti summons a pon you, if erud ulibln ths most Th dei.cu.e prf of a baby I soanty In whtS this action others be, s tlhln thirty days after service, is its bowels. Every siiui.-i.- t that Sbd defend ths ab nre entitled action wMrh It suffers with attacks the M broil 'ik for tue purpose nt dlaeolvlns the also endangering In most cases the bonds of ma.rtmoay heretofore be'wrel yourself end tbs plaintiff, and life of the Infant. McGees Baby Inresert rrnr failure so to do, Judgment Elixir- - cures diarrhoea, dysenfary will be rendered Mai nut yon eeeordjns to and alljdeFanfeinenU of the stomach tbs den amis of tbs eemplalat.- - which has bowels. or a been Bled slih lbs Clsrh of said Court aad A Son. Bold by John Boyds eopy of which Is herewith served upon Utab-Bsttl- ' BRIGHTEN UP! Advertise your goods n THE TIMES. Jo lb Can right. pours? J D E B U (T) Assessment Notice. --At a meeting of the Board of Dir eclors of the Oakley A Fmu Stock A Range Co., held at Peoa, April 1st, 1908, an assessim nt was levied of 8 cents per share on the old Issue of stock, and 17 cent per share on the new issue of stock. Bald assessment is now due and pay bis at ths office of the secrete ry at Fees, Utah, Any took upon which this assesesment may remain unpaid on the 2tXh day jfune, 1008, will be delinquent nnd advertised for sale. Oscaa Wilkins. Becretary. w. m; 4 - girl at the Salt Lake oetdajr. The young , to Morgan Friday. Tbt ier, Mrs 8. M. Robinson. with their many friends and can now quote price that will interest you. He i also prepared few days. Chaw, is called a Rich or poor alike are habit-juaJI- jr to build 100 different styles of fencing on your fence posts, over hill kiori to the nations, tie 3 constipated. It sliys its and down dale at prices less than the other fellow wul ask you for it when be gets good sod teidy. victims by thousands, although at the shop, where 200 rods or more are required. Tbit may r.nt be for some tiaejn some other name goes into the be seems very much delighted silk death certificate, bis present condition and futirt cure. Eat daily. ladies .The young possibilities.' former name was Miss Ketcbua. When interviewed bt a member of - Stains Varnishes Paints Enamels Colors tbe associated press, Chat, said WHEAT FLAKE CELEI1Y THE KIND. THE BEST ON EARTH Tbe name suggested tbe game aod so I set About the job It is We want to help make easy nmclr of your work of cleaning and- what you want to Brighten up wa can renovating. No matter completed. Here we are" Sherwin-Williaa with you supply specialty for that exact purthirl of tbe old boy in tbe name us. We are pleased to pose. Outside or Inside. Com in ana-setbe talk Paint and Varnish at any tjine, ESPECIALLY NOW. of Morg&nites, generation which U of a laxative nature. M Monitor extends to you and wife , the following rate: For 500 .3S For 1000 $2.00, For 5000" $8.oo. pil Taggaf of the Morgan resident of this p, thoo-wen- t Bctrr, la s Pd printing.Prices are Even our Grandfdthenv knew what 5 BALLARDS SNOW . A CONVINCING PROOF the worth of a medicine la the cures it can effect. Every one who has used Ballards Snow Liniment knows that It will RHEUMATISM. CUTS, SPRAINS, STIFF JOINTS, BURNS. NEURALGIA, CONTRACTED MUSCLES AND ALL PAINS, USED SNOW LINIMENT 10 YEARS. V. L. Settle, Richmond, Mo., writes:- - Thia la to certify that I nave used your Snow Liniment for ton years for rheumatism, neuralgia, lame back, eta.. ... and in every ease It has rendered Immediate relief " and satisfaction., Avoid all Substitutes. Three Sizes 25c, 50c, $1X0 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO. 500-50- nt Bratty, North Second 2S52 Mum Sold and Recommerided by , , M. D. ST. LOUIS, MO. Street. A i Yours truly, T. B. 2 u dircted against flies. . . dlse-t- r will do. of n. pr.-ca- LINIMENT JOHN BOYDEN & SON $ecy. Postmistress Korthcctt itturned home yesterday. , !fX)-to- In the District foui efttv IUtrlrt,of Its I ute I Third Judicial for Summit County. William (lines, plaintiff, vs. Abuer h. I Keeler and Leah J. Keeler, dclendenti -SUMMONS. The State of Ctah te tbe said Defsndaali - You' are hereby summoned to appear Uhln twenty days after th service of this summons upon yen. If served wltkla the eounty In whlrb this setloa te brought, otherwise, within thirty dayrafter service, defend the above entitled action, aad ad In ene of your failure to do so, Judtment will be rendered asalnst you aeeordlnf to the demand of tbe complaint, which has -been Bled with tbe clerk of said court. ' No This arflonis broutht to quiet the title of the plaintiff to the tend described la the W. I WJI.LBS. eomplalut It ' w- Otua-ment- -.s Need of Suffering Rheumatism. - al ;Jrom O. Howard Beard Dtqincd from a few cays visit in yes-tead- r Zion. -- ay I yesitji r.t of the coung ,o cone and I celebrate with them. A good many people from here are anticipating spending thcFour-t- h at Morgan.' The band, btoeball team, basket ball team and Jiany others will no doubt go. Morgan extender a hearty welcome fc the - t .S Attorney for Plaintiff reliable, honest, high grade retain g machine. semi-annu- I Subscribe Now STRONGEST GUARANTEE. Nttioiul Sewing Machine Co, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. FACTORY AT BELVIDERR. ILL. FOR THE COALVILLE TIMES Aad get sfl the levs! aad ssuaty asws Janies Plngree, O. B. Glkot, B. off(l. lilacknmn and David icers of the First National Bank, made their regular ex $ aminatlon of that instifutlog yesterday, and were well eat US with I tnietnke to allow rheumatism to become chronic, a tli pain can Hi ways be relieved, and in most Notice to Water Users. cases a cure effected-b- y' applying State Kiurineert Office, Pain Balm. The reChamberlain bult lkecltr,rth "" lief from .rain which It afford is May A ter Notice Is hereby iwn lbl James E. alone wprth many times its cost. the way business was being carried sUdress Is Belt It makes bleep aud rest possible-EveYVooUartl. xhose Postoffli-on. Mr.Rlackman was elected lake city, Uuh, has made application In In case of long standing this in place of Adam Fitter-sowecordanee with She requirements of Chapshould used on account ter VK Session Laws of V tab. Wk aa liniment sold out his Interests. has who 25 affords. amended by the Kevalon lews of Ctah, 1M, of the relief which it Frank t 60 cent sixes. and to appropriate three Filigree whs also ch parti as per Jleber-CIt- '.7 buying this ONLY $1,50 A YEAR al BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM la tfo wUNlfY e vice-presid- n, - 1 eubte-fee- second of water from Beaver Creek fork of Weber River, Summit County, Utah. Said water will be diverted at a point w bteta 'bears south M deree east SfW feet from Sold by John Boyden A Son. to a director. 5 1 BIG 'BARGAIN It is only duty and justice to enthe northwest corner of S,etlon IS. Town-hi- courage your home paper, extend to east. Salt lake lasae S south. Ranee and meridian, which point Is the head of It the nourishment to whloh It is enIbeKamntelty ditch Sud from where it title.! U' ay your subscriptions pramt-l- y, will ie conveyed for a distance of woo feet xt copies to and send a b-and there used from May 1 to Aufust 10, Inclusive. of each year, to Irrlcate 10 aerea of your relatives and friends at' a disland embraced In Section XL Township east. Salt Lake bast aod tance. They will appreciate tbe favSouth. Range meridian. The tend to be Irrigated te such or and so will we. -that water requirement Is great and the V period during which the water I available Poor Milk te short. AppUcsmt does not intend using the quantity nf water continuously during soften thought to be reponsiblc the time but will us It aa tbe demands Keoeaaltate. This application te designat- for an infant's loss in weight or & ed In the State Engineer's office aa No. general poor health. The cause icn. All protests against the granting of said ususlly is that the child haa worms. application, stating the reasons therefor, They get' the nourishment In the must be made bjaffidavit In duplicate aad flb-in tbta office within thirty ISO) days food and the baby starves, actually Alter the completion of the publication of starves. White's Cream p 4 a For Some lucky Mm3 acres of land, amply applied with water.well feiu'cd.vra. it nee enclosing pasture, In Franck, Sumi mit County, Utah. 120 tons of hay cut last yeaA A neat house, with coo house, coal shed, milk house over im'vver running spring. Buggy Aonse; granery, pig pens and henuae on the place. With this goes a mow Dilutee htne, hay rake, two hay derrick Milky plow, wheelbarrow, cream sepa-to- r, two pigs, 1 dixen ehlckens,fenr Vermifuge this notice. cows and what hay and grain may CALEB TANNER. evi cts (he worms nnd nourishes the be on place at time of State Knrlneer. sure and sate. Trice 25 cants. Date of first publication May B. IV , date chUd, Apply To E,H- - RHKAD, For sale by John Boyden A Boa. O completion of publication JulnetX. iwa. , Coalville, L uh. , WALLPAPER 0 Properly selected Our OSes Is ,T8 Egtrfpysd to to AE Kioto af Papw will add snore thaa al rise to Ae kanaoeloei furaisk Wil JO jagef 1 kies toil a teaotioo er cottaae ever t kihle B WORK srWhoo Make your Jrow ALFRED PEATS TWWafl 10U d CEvervthing is Wa9 Prow troei the cbeap-- el tints geod to tbs trot ihatsssada. Mlssagtotysu gmi enstort nMlsa, Nmb '(Aaydykaayq JuMRlgU ey pocket took. aad toflesUt dwrfeflr fur. esttoates " THB idled wstowt ebhga- - toetotaqa CLARK & . SOMMERS Coalville Times agents 1 , - : J - ? |