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Show IKPRESSEO THE LITTLE ONE. I Denertmtnt af Colored Gentleman a I Mattsr of Admiration. I l.ltile Klsle. who had recently re- 1 turned horn a visit to Washington, was 4ecrltlng to her companion some ' of thr wondi rful thlnga ahe had oh i acrveJ la the Capitol t'lty. I "Osu evening," Bald she, breathless- I ly, "ps look me to hsve supper at a gissd hotel where the dining room was awfully big, and at Ilia tallica around ut sat great senators and rep repreacntallvce with their wlvea, all drlnkkg champagne!" "I suppose the mannera of these great persona were perfect'' ventured her companion, with widened eyes. "Yea," returned F.lale. "Hut" ahe added, with a sudden burst of gfethual-aam, gfethual-aam, the deportment of the colored gentluBen who served tbe wile was perfecfly beautlfull" |