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Show for tariff revision. J Action by Special Session of Conar,e After Inauguration. j Tn. K.put.ll. an luirly dr. larra 1, pulvoiatly lor a r.nalon of II, e B, r dlately l.,lli,a h. Inauiuratlon 1.7' alr.a.ly 1....0 to thla end In lb ' .' 'laii.d to I he appropriate cm, ma , of conere.a whh h are now Inveetla., Ih. ,.-r.li and errcl of ei,e ,, a, he,), ilea In all tariff le.i.l.non .1 Ir.ia .rlml,l. of prole. II. m I. beat r , lalne.1 by the hn..ltli.n of auch dm ,1 aa will e.,,,.1 th. difference between , , oat of prolu, tlon al home and al .1 1 loa.ther with a reaeonahl. prom l. American lloluelrlea. W . favor th. ei t-l llabnient of mailiniim and minimum I J in h- a.bnliil.lered hy th preald.nl , J der llmllalloha Hied In tha law. lb. a J Imum to avallabl. In meet dleirlir e llona l-y r.ir.iRii ciunlrle. asalnat A, I, an ,kh. entering their mark. la. -1 the nilnltniim 1.1 repre.ent tb. no, meaaiire of proleillon al horn.; lb. and ir,- f it,. .pUhllcan policy . IMS not ..lily pr.M.rve. wllh.nil 1 1 ...el. tluiien. ih.t eocorlty agdltiat .-elan .-elan com, pennon In which Amr, . niriiira.'i,irera. farmera and pr.el are rutltled. but al.o to malmali, It h(h etH - l,!!,! of living of the wage - .. ara of thla coontry. who are Ih. 1 S dire.-! beftelt. lunea of the protective br ten, lll-n 11,. t'nlle.1 Hlulea an ftt rhlll,,lli.e w. totlleve tn a fre. ,2, rhauae of pr.alu, t. with auch llintt.B aa 1.1 aus.ir and lot... ro aa will ,jli a.le,tMla prolrctlon 10 domrallr lnlre |