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Show One of Bill Nyt'e. Referring to a real estate transact tlon maili' by one Peter Mlntilt. way back In the year liil'K, Mill Nye. In lilt history of the I'nlted Htatcs. declared: "New York wa afterwards sold for ll't: the hole Island. W Io n I think or thla I ko Into my fninlly gallery, which I also use an a awear room, ami ti ll thou,. ancestors what I think of tin in. When; were tin y when New loik sold lor $21?" The humor of thla strikes deeply when one stops to consider wlat has he n the outcome of thin original in. Vestment. Peter Mllllllt, With trinkets nnd a few bottles of ruin, ao di llghicd the native Indians lli.it tiny gladly turned over to til in the whole of Man-linilun Man-linilun lland. now the heart of tircator New York. New York, thu Uiant City," Nailoiial Miitailiiu. |