Show FORE NOTES by W U to th tribute llona june 19 crement of eastern roumelia has borrowed to pay abo tribute to the coite poite oat CALCUTTA juno 19 the burmese force haa been ordered against the burning villages near the frontier liquor june 19 abo hoine rulers have resolved to oppose the progress of tho bill for tho relief of ich distress until tho government reduces alie bill founded on douse to be proposed by the chief secretary for ireland enlarging the powers of local boards for awarding compensation to the mccu piera of land the passage in the house of commons of the local option resolution gives tho inhabitants of any district jie right of determining whether tho licenses to public houses shall be renewed or bot will oblige the government to introduce a bill regulating tho liquor licenses altor ananij Anin Ij 19 gambetta at ft meeting and to diacuna tho amnesty said in the provinces provin cea 09 well as in iara ahn public opinion has accepted the amnesty aa necessary the conservative and rc publican papers of paris are almost ull pronounced for amnesty the republican organs in the provinces aho unanimously have favored it four thousand amnestied persons are now and their quid bad refuted tho fears expressed regarding the maintenance of order why baom am nesting a few abo government could be auro of three and twenty adherents in the chamber of cepus ties in things it would be incomprehensible for ahe egnate to impede the measure crop GENEVA june 10 hail storing have ruined the crops in the district lt bill june 19 in the chamber of deputies to day premier defrey introduced the bill for plenary pin ginnety nety to all political offenders |