Show THE SILVER FRINGES OF tan i only among he descendants of tho argonauts of 49 who have fur nishel a bret diarte and joaquin miller the prototypes to their figures in the luck ol 01 the roaring camp tho traditional axiom of the groat american republic that every man is lie peer of his neighbor be pre served in its full significance the only aristocracy that exists in california M the aristocracy of rapidly acquired and accumulated wealth it forms the most pronounced contrast to new yorks strictly exclusive hermetically closed knickerbocker aristocracy which embraces the lers van actors a cast of brahmins Brah mins which never opened its circle ly merchant alaxander Alt xander T siewart Sl ewart Cali fornias aristocracy also differs greatly from tho blue blood and silvertop silver top upper mendom of boston those of ahe pristine pilgrim fathers abe winthrope Win thropa carys alliotts elliotts Elli otts and Emli cotts tho pride felt by these aristocrat aristo crac coteries eliat their ancestors were the first governors of new york or rather new amsterdam or that their forefathers hers fought in the battle of bunker aill this ride is not known to abo magnates and nabob of the golden state fr every eld pilgrim father whom the mayflower landed on the inhospitable shore of plymouth rock they put a dilver mine on their pedigree and for the proud consciousness of having a stuyvesant in the long line of hoary ancestors they lay a railroad in the scale tun silver princes of the pacific or a rato whose commercial and political influence in the united states is almost as incalculable as their possessions they are the nabors nabobs of the belcher mines and with the help of the so called third house of con grew the lobby they have secured the important part which silver play in the american finance I hey represent sent one of the most dangerous monopolies of the money market for their consolidated fois tune exceeds aliat of the considerably two of the syndicate jones and sharon occupy seals in the U y senate two othera flood and bis obdien control the two acost important financial establishments lish ments on the pacific coast the biank of california and the bank of nevada which have a capital in stock of the fifth mackay is undisputed master and lord of tho stock exchange in san francisco and the sixth link of this formidable chain of capital brain and enterprise fair com minda and superintends super intends the almoite inexhaustible silver treasures are hoisted by the tons day by day through the darkly yawning mouths of the mining shafts the seventh man of the invincible coalition the lawyer and ex benator estewan choso whoso palace in the federal capital a few years ago ans rendezvous of the fashionable world and whose daughter afta fortunate enough to secure a roar nun of the frenchi embassy for a husband before her fallier loat hu enormous enor moua has again tecoa eral a few millions aa legal counsel of tha lla jones and shairon Sh iiron the thinking clement in the circle of the silver kings flood dOBrien an lurrian the money cou aix decisive ducr gatio the imly buril labor whish underlies under liea aliu whole 01 i anil alif tholf disi aton ol 01 imbor arks hii accuracy liy no en eacle occupies alie place 10 chuh lie lr befit fruited by taint natural iniel ig and fabre fibre rf ile energy and inclination the ale alet t and laott conscientious of all ho ii the moved from iff deafening vortex of unscrupulous speculation and jobbery aind pays nature the tribute of hope kojl royalty rewarded it ji tru ria fair in the virginia one can arnt at any dinue of the day uncil ft abrill the eni of work shift a heavy built man in a miner s isar injecting aft vin af ex nini tig the quinz liling tho irth cd vie tho linof who i ki r frodi toil with icer or tt chaw ol 01 tobin co aud S down wili in abe q i hour of arst 10 artajo 01 lunch tins i fair lie i in no MW d froni a miner he a tap en tatter lr lih when tho arll taca binl conr th Cul fornia aid nevadia with ahk ioupe of tho new york fatih avenue tl Kair they pal a i ibe condere of the constock Conw tock ade man clr wa occupied nt the entrance of shaft breaking some piece ot balver ore with hw hammer a chidi and he discharged thee duties with a much courtesy ai knowledge ilia plaid BO wll that he the of tha company to ahe aiu ale and handed him att he parting 10 a present with ic riou ngien the guido counted alie money and mid sir I tao vetry well nhsn bucu pie would anve daae me over rich but now have oni ething like aO OOOO lying in ilie bank on the hill above which I do not know how to dispose of for difo aad children I have none and the mean in UP iro bood tor IDS you aih alow me to add a few cal to your friendly ako a jolly even lug for the hands in the evergreen haft ty alv t in tho water chy hare bill and bo nodded to a ariy gawf heio are a bollara which tha actori treat yo to ciare a good time tonight but dont you yet drunk any of you by jingo good by badiea and the men and I thank you very saLa vJ I MR of pennsylvania was the man who first and for a long time alone voiad for gen garfield is now what i he to receive under the new tion ahe man of his faithful enett should mount the lepa of the white house as the victor in the next november election one might gay that he got his reward in the fame it brought himself and in the present he received some zealous frind sent him a demijohn of whis ky which he said he could not use but which he would beep ai long as he lived what a good tima eners bon will have when the old man dies grier also received another reward garfield sent him the dele gates badge which hegerfield he Garfield wore when be was nominated president this idealistic gift ought to make grier happy as long a he lives and yet if garcell happen to make the riffle grier is likely to be the first candidate for foreign mission |