Show athe aler stake of zun FRIDAY june p in after the Y L II 11 I societies were adjourn cd the primary had their quarterly opened by and prayer bishop Mc thought these primary were a great blessing and fioke very encouragingly braning the cli ildren for the great improvements they were making he wa followed by bro stowell who asked on our faith of the little ones who responded in a hinted and intelligent while groat at the behavior of the little one ha took occasion lo 10 people who were in tue habit ot wing had language sarah richana felt pleaded to see atio little brethren and giggers gig she eaid the lord loved little children and intend ci to u great nation of them and them to be kind to heir and ers and alwayn the truth the reports acri then heird from lh following wards Ri verdale by sitter Bin ghani Marriot uville by tauter margoit it 01 ll expressed express pd her lew ure at freeto the little children take uch an int ret jn ahe kingdom they wanted to le ti palk bufore biter budd I alt at nn d in doing h fr duty in the of god sister wen said ablio loved to be among the children as it waa a great delight to participate in heir joyous feeling aero oko made by biter ballantyne and brown who genoke in warm to the juvenile sister jane poke on the principle of calling on he eldera of irael lo 10 ahn rn itne and to whenever they wr gick atter had unanimously aa re dent of ahe primary in thir take of noih lh nir eting as dai ditl ging ali prayer to ineat in three months |