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Show Joe Sfecher May Appear in Ogdeo Joe Stecher, world's champion heavwelght wrestling champion, may appear in Ogden next fall, If present plans mature, according to word received re-ceived hero today. St'echer's manager, Anton Stecher. is arranging a tour of the west for tho champion, and Ogden Og-den will be included If suitable opponents oppo-nents for the title holder can be signed. Stecher won the title from Cad dock last January, and since that time has been going great guirs. He Is In class of the heavies, and one of the greatest champions the game has ever had. A match with either Ed. "Strangler" Leu Is. or Earl Caddock. for the championship cham-pionship may be arranged, but if plans fall there, Stecher will meet other men. 00 |