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Show "MOLLYCODDLE" I Fairbanks' Greatest Work H in Film j NOW PLAYING j at the I ALHAMBRA f it's the Only Cool Spot H; Indoors in Ogden REFRESHING MUSIC I B and I I PURE AIR MOVING PICTURES TO BE PRODUCED IN OGDEN A representative of oue of the film producing companies will be in Ogden Thursday or Friday of this week. Any man or woman or boy or girl that aspires to appear before the camera, can phone, call in person or address letter to ;'Tho Movie Man," Hotel Reed. Advertisement. i CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears im Signature oi Qa&X2?d?c ' i.iiiii teeBBB. j u ,i n.w.WjdWmw-TTf I j ' -washable f j l I arc fresh and cool. Thcyndd'to .. 'o! j warm weather comfort, they're . ' ;' H in season with your straw hat 'and' 1 ' 3 H j oxfords. fy j fl , these arc woven in exclusive pat-.. , H j ems from mercerized yarns, white -"f. H and tinted grounds with colored H stripes and figures. H j four-in-hands in (.iipito.-thc Mmuto"'. -.' ':' j shapes. .. . ' ' 50c values v. . . ... .40c 75e values 60c -' J 1..00 values . .' 80c ' ' ' '- ' CAR BARGAIN A splendid buy In a sport 1919 model 1 Falgo five passenger, In excellent con. 1 0Utlon. Cheap for cash. See It it I1 itah Auto Tractor Co., 2331 Huh I s on Avenue. I J A product the most recent progress i-I i-I of modern science concerning tho re- vl I generation; tho development, the con- T'i iservation, the beauty and hygiene of 1 (the hair. 'l I Stops the hair falling in a few days. 1 ' ! U III grow hair on the heads of those who have been without hair for year No i matter how long you have been without hair, will restore the growth and color. Direct from France. Guaranteed to be an exclusive vegetable poduct containing con-taining or alcohol or drugs. Inquire 246 Twenty-fifth street, upstairs. up-stairs. Advertisement. I SHE FOLLOWED HIM Into the Street of a Thousand Sorrows. Sor-rows. Down alleyways lighted only by the breeze-rldden Flame of the Devil's Beacon. Past heavily barred portals and their ' Lynx-eyed Custodians. To undergo under-go an experience that has fallen to the lot of but few living women, i TRULY "The Woman Gives," ' as you shall see. Joseph M. Schenck presents i NORMA 1 TALMADGE 1 "THE WOMAN I GIVES" From the novel by Owen Johnson the TONIGHT, TUESDAY AND H WEDNESDAY H Matinee Tuesday and -B Wednesday - |