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Show 1 1 ! i FOR LITTLE FOLKS jj j THE SURPRISE. I j "We. wee. wee," cried Mrs. Wood-! chuck's children, and Tingaling and! the twins (who were about to rush out-j side lo capture Wally Woodchuck) slopped in amazement. "Are you sure those are your chil dten?" asked Tingaliup. "Sure." answered Mrs Woodchuclr indignantly. "Do you think I'd go to' ; j V peered into the bedroom. -But Ihey were lo have the surprise of their live?, for not only were the little chucks all in bed, but who should be rocking theui and singing (in a voice about as soft and sweet as the electric cleaner when it's going), but Wally Wood-chuck Wood-chuck himself, and looking like p!e He was singing- - 'HtiGh-abye. my little ground diggers, I the trouble of bringing up m jr neighbor's?. neigh-bor's?. We have enough to db to fee-i ourselves." ".No doubt that's true," ald Tinga-ling Tinga-ling quickly, "in (act, I i'iay as well toll you, Mrs. Woodcliuclcr, that my little lit-tle friends and I heard oj'iiy today that your husband Wally haty "1)Ut out tho children to shift for themselves, as he wished all the food toi- himself." "You can go upstair;, and see-then," answered Mrs. WoocVchuck tartly, "if all four children areiVt safe and sound in bed. I'll stew rhytnew spring hat for dinner, and I like it pretty well, being tho most tjecoining one I ever owned." So up they tr0op?d. all of them, and I With wooliken fur and such fat lit tie figgers; Daddy will watch by the button-tree i high, And chase Mister Fox should lie chance to come nigh." He pretended not to see the people, crowding into the room, and seemed i awfully surprised when the fairymcn landlord shook his bells and said, "Ahem" quite loudly. j "Why, T declare," yawned Wally. i "Did you get tired waiting for the sassafras sas-safras for your tea. folks? I heard! the children fussing, so I came up- 3lairs. I wa nearly asleep mysolf." I Tingaling looked stern, x.e knew i Wally was not telling tbe truth l |