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Show ti-. 'LOVE and MARRIED llffi the noted author j J Idafa MSGlone Gibson f I .JOHN" WANTS MOSEY . "I'm lad lie's gone," nald John a? Charley left us. "Why, you told him you'd like to '., have him stay,-' I said. "Well, he bores me to death. I'd have never pone down to the oil fields If you had gotten someone, In whom 1 had confidence, to take care of your business." I "You wrote me from down there that Charles had done a well as anyone- could do." "Yes. I think ho did," said John ro-luctantly. ro-luctantly. "But he's too suave, too prenilo I like to talk and net straight-r straight-r from the shoulder when I do busl-i ness." J "Docs It seem lo get you any fur- thcr than Charles' way?" I H "Oh, I don't know. Jiut I do .know U. , this, that his ways always let the other l - fellow think he's putting H over on- you and I don't want any man that -- I'm doing business with to think that.". "Isn't that a little egotistical.! j sure but that it helps in business to let ' the other man thinly- he is putting 1 ; something over on you, I would rath- H cr Put a deal through as you call it Hl than to rub the other man the wrong 1 way and lose out." H "I don't vei'y often lose out. Kath- H crlne," said John Sulkily. H "Xot You In Particular" H "l wasn't speaking of you in parlic- H ular. John, but I do hate to have you H , projudlced against Charles Just be- H cause his method is different from H "Well, I don't holicve he has ever H ' made any money In his life. He has H done well if ho's been able to keep 1 what his father left him." i H "That's where you're mistaken,' H John. The estate that Charles' father, H ' left him was very much incumbered H :nd he's taken it out of debt and is H worth probably a quarter of a million H dollars H "Good Lord, he's very modest about H it! I wouldn't think he had a quarter Hj million cents, except that he spends H . money rather generously if unostcnta- V J. I RlHf "I'll bet, John. 'that Charles knows ESWHf' . exactly how much money you've got."1 fifSiHl "N'o, he doesn't." exclaimed John vffliWHh somewhat ruefully, "because I haven't $$YlmM Kot e,lolJph to talk about I've been T "BFW plunging on the market lately more than 1 should and I dropped a lot of money within the week. .And then 1 hud that hAusc on my hands, you knovv. Kathcrlnc. By the way, another an-other payment is coming up day after tomorrow. I promised to pay them $5000 a month until it was paid for, you know." "I didn't know anything of the kind, John you didn't tell me anything about it. How long before the house will be paid for at that rate?" Cost Was .S7r.000 "It cost -175,000 and I have gave them 516,000 down, the balance .In $5000 payments." "But, John, I don't think we should own a $75,000 house." "My dear, I expected you to be a millionairess and, a.-4 such, we should have the finest house in town, of course." "How much money have you already al-ready paid on the house, John." "Twenty-five .thousand dollars." "Well. 1 cxnect wo'll have to live In : it." I said with sigh. : "We won't live in It," said John ; gloomily, "if I'm not able to make the next payment. How much money ha,ve : you got in the bank?" ' :, - "Xone." . j "But, Katherlne you had $5000 in -, there the other day." "1 had J 10,00, my dear John, and you drew out $5000 as you said lo pay up some debts down at the oil fields." "1 paid that ' $5000 on the house. Charles had paid up all the oil field debts when I arrived." I "But, John, J don't want Charles lo pay out his money for us." 'T told him not to he a fool," said John uneasily, '-'hui he said that you I were his only relative and he was 'anxious to sae you any trouble. I ,told him to send the bill in to us and we would pay it as soon as we could." Now I knew the reason why Charles had told me to let John havo the rest I of my money, and I more than over determined lo keep that 'last $2500. "What did you do with I he money you have been making lately?" 1 asked in return. I "That has nothing to do with the case. But I can't see where you would ha a chance lo spend so much money." That has nothing to do with the cu?e." Tomorrow Joint's Thouslillcssncss |