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Show fUlwre Foal Carila. Tier ha been aom dlacuaaloa af at a to who Invented the picture Pott card, and th fad baa been traced back to a German who first gave tt to the aorld. It I laid, In 1H72. Ilut th Idea of th thing 1 very much older thai that, and even tome of It modern matilfeitatlon eein to have been fore-Kll'd fore-Kll'd 1,V) yeara ago. Lerky any that "political caricature, which Were probably Italian In their origin, came Into fntlilon In Knghind during the Xonth Sea panic. Cnrlcnturea on carda, whlro were for a time exceedingly popular, wero Invented by (icorge Tiiwuiunid In 17311." London Chroul-cl. |