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Show A man In the company of men In battle will do that which b might not bav courage to do alone. In the nerveaurao of brav men be h hard ly a thinking machine; he I a chip on the current Her It a real hero: A common every day letter carrier, who dropt bit bag occasionally t0 dive Into a river, bay or canal lo reacue drown Ing men, or boya. then continues along hi route In dripping clothe, deliver Ing bit mall at If nothing out of the way bad caused hlin to lose a few mlnutea mln-utea and get Into dirtlcultle. with aonir watchful ln.pector. I know uh . man. He hat aeven uotdici on the leather it. up that gooa over hit ahoul-der, ahoul-der, each meaning a llfo tuved. That ttrap ough. to fetch a big price among hero worthlpcre. Ita owner la 0p-poted 0p-poted to the Carnegie fund ft,r i,,,., and want no pai l of It. Ho Las never rocelrM either thauki or a leathe. tucdai. |