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Show A aalary of 5.000 a year for the tiiiiu who It to baveacUv lupcrlnlend. enc of the digging of the I'anama Canal la rot to be aM:-g:ied for. John Fludley Wallace take hi llf In hit Imcda when he goo 10 Aipluwall (Colon), (Co-lon), and It la more t - !lkely that the Imurance companlei will refute to h--ie a policy u ,m. "All hop, abandon, aban-don, all ye who enlrr here," 1 the lgn over the entrance to the port of Miininiilllo and Nno. figuratively penkliig. Very t inn II men n thc I'nltcd Stntea receive na much aa Iivj,. 000 a year. Ai the I'miani Canal la the grenteat undertaking of lit kind In the blalory of the world, the aalary even lookt liiideijuate. There are b'g. gcr ranala on Mum, It It admitted, but they were dug by nature. |