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Show Nearly eight Million In Phlllpplnea. The revised figures of the Philippine Philip-pine census have been published by the cenaua bureau and a population of Is given to the archipelago. archipel-ago. Of thla number 6.887,(180 are clvlllied or partly so. whllo 047,740 are wild and uncivilized, although nol without some kuowlvdgo of the domestic do-mestic arts. In regard to the publlo land of tha Philippine archlpvlago the report aays: "Butting aside the Intermediate water apace, amounting to 717,941 equare miles, and considering th land alono, the area la estimated ts be 115.02H square miles, or 7.1.610.041 acres. Of thla about 12,000.000 an srlvata landa and over 61,000,000 pub ilo landa. Of the latter 4,000,000 oi more are foroat Inula, leaving about U.OOO.ftnQ e-noHiile for agriculture, "llnuor existing lawa a bomcnteed of 30 64 acres may be acquired by any cltlien of the Philippine lalanda, while a corporation can acquire t.MO aaree." |