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Show Rotariaiis Leave for International Meet Declaring th(y will bring home George O. Relf of Salt Lake as- vice president of the International Rotary clubs, twenty-five Salt Lake Rotarians passed through Ogden yesterday en route to the international convention at Atlantic City. They were joined here by Ralph E. Bristol, incoming ."..strict governor and delegations from northern Utah and Idaho. The party was composed of President Presi-dent and Mrs. King, former President and Mrs. James W. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. David A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Patrick, Mr. and airs, Ernest Er-nest Lambourne, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shay, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. .Exiwards, J. A. DeDouzek, L. H. CurtisLand Mrs. Robert Spangler of Salt Lake. Others in the party were: Preston Peterson, Provo; Fritz Champ, Robert Anderson and Reed Shamhart, Logan.' and J. E. Pike of Idaho Falls. The glee club, composed of twenty members, with Charles R. Johnson as leader,-also went equipped with songs calculated to win the vice presidency for George O. Relf. The itinerary of the party calls for v stopover tomorrow at Kansas City, ar rival at Chicago Thursday to join the Rotarian special, stopover Friday at Gettysburg, Saturday at Washington, 'Sunday at Philadelphia, and Monday at Atlantic City, Mr. Relf and his .wife will meet the Utah delegation at ! the convention city. oo |