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Show i : 1 ! Society 1 . . , LAI COS CLUB Mrs. F. 11. Eckhart will be hostess to the members of tho Lai Cos. club Wednesday afternoon at her home, 1 35ol Ogdeji avenue. RETURNS FROM SCHOOL Miss Margaret Johnson, who has heen attending school at Palo Alto, aniornia, nas returned to Ogden. She will spend her vacaUon here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guv Johnson. i CHINA SHOWER Miss Luella Stephens was the com-plimenled com-plimenled guest at a china shower given Saturday evening by Mrs. Wal-; Wal-; ter Harris al her home on Twelfth slreet. Games and music were the entertainment for tho evening. Late in the evening a perfectly prepared supper was served to the . guests. The tablo was centered by a basket of peonies. Pink and white was tho color scheme carried out. About twenty guests were present for the evening. HIVE OAK SEWING CIRCLE ! Mrs. Daisy Cashmore will be hostess hos-tess to the members of the Live Oak Sewing Circle Wednesday afternoon at her home, 455 Canyon Road. . v DORCAS SOCIETY 1 .Members of the Dorcas Young Ladies' society will meet Wednesdav evening at the homo of Misses Blanche and Edna Walberg, at their home, 124 Twenlyrseventh street. ICE CREAM SOCIAL Under the auspices of the Luther league, of the Elim Lytheran church an ice cream social will be held this evening on tho lawn of the church. Members and their friends have been Invited to come. SCOTTISH DAY' ' ' Mayor Frank Francis will be one of the speakers on the program which will be held in Lagoon as a celebration of Ogden Scottish Dav by the members of the Ogden Heath- : er Boll club tomorrow., Field events for the day will begin at 3 o'clock and tho concert program will be given at C o'clock. Members of the club, Scottish people of Ogden and their friends are Invited to attend the festival. VISITED IN OGDEN ' Mr. and Mxs. M. H. Savage and their daughters, Dorothy and Louise were Ogden guests during the last part of the week. They were motoring motor-ing from Bear Lake to their home Jn Salt Lake and stopped in Ogden while en route. LEAVE FOR SUMMER HOME Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wood and their daughter, Marcia, left Saturday for their home in Spencer, Idaho. i OGDEN GUESTS Miss Jean Hunt of Oakland, California, Cali-fornia, is visiting in Ogden as the guests of Miss Blanche Browning. LEAVE FOR EAST Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bristol left yesterday for Atlantic City, where Mr, Bristol will attend the International Inter-national Rotary convention. While in the east Mr. and Mrs. Bristol will vist .New York and several other j largo cities. Mrs. Bristol returned last week from a visit on the coast. HONOR SALT LAKE GUEST In compliment to Miss Edna Vol-ger, Vol-ger, of Salt Lake, who is a guest of Miss Florence Turner, Miss Turner and Miss Elizabeth Browning entertained enter-tained , Saturday afternoon at lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Browning Brown-ing on Twenty-soventh street. Tho L guests enjoyed lhe afternoon in playing play-ing cards A yellow color scheme was carried out in the decorations and in the menu. A fie o'clock luncheon was served. A basket of yellow roses centered the table, with tiny place cards bearing the same flower, laid for each guest Miss Turner and Miss Browning vrere assisted as-sisted in the serving of the luncheon J by Miss Eleanor Ford, Louise Rich- 'fl ard and Jessie Smith. |