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Show on LONDON STAR COMMENTS ON SEN. HARDING LONDON, June 14. The Star says: ,i1lef":.l,tofc?,irtl111" w,n represent in tho untied Suites very much what tho count Jon liberals represent In this country. Ke is the instrument, we mJRht any tho tool, of the cleverest group of men in American public life, the Republican senators. The senate Is dominated by tho trusts. "Senator Hardlntj JS a middlc-of-tlio road Republican, and the social I reforms, as urgtnt In tho United State! a here, will receive from ium, vo tear, neither sympathy nor solution." The Morning iTorkshlro Post believes be-lieves "there is bettor prospect of hclp-rul hclp-rul European policy than wo could have looked for had tlio choice of tho delegates at Chicago fallen on a poll-mln poll-mln h?,(iIn& tho opinions with which lllram Jonnoon Is credited with." oo |