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Show (guardianship notices IConEult County Clerk or the Reepec-tive Reepec-tive Signers for Further I nf ormation.' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the Second Judicial Judi-cial District. State of Etah Within and . for Weber County. j In the Matter o( the Estate of Emma J. W II Hums. Deceuscd. redltors will present claims with I vouchers attached to the undersigned ad mlnlstrator of the estate of Emma J I Williams deceased, st the office of Royni J. DouRlas. 629 David Ec:-les bulldlnp. Og den CU 1 tnh. on or before the let dav of November. A D. 1010, W. II WILLIAMS. Administrator. In', of first publication August 30. Date of in et publication Beptcmber 2? to: "i J Douglas, Attorney for Adminii ttrtor. 4R73 |