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Show LITTLE. BENNY'S Note Book fl By LEE PAPE i 4 I was tawklng to Mary Watklns op sE3r hei frunt steps ylstldday nftlrnoon, WEl- und I made a date with her to come BHt& erround after supplr and tawk to her LBi on them agen, and vvll I was eating ffffr supplr I had a Idecr. and I got throo 19 cutlng the ferst and went up to my wRl' alster Gladdlsses room and sprinkled a K lot of her colone on my hand kerchlf f, BsSIl making It smell grate, and then sLE started to hunt for my hat und wile I k9K was looking In the setting room ma atid pop came up, pop smelling up- HH werds and saying. My O my, vvat a LLB fiagrants we huve with us this eev- WB3t I O, do jou smell It. I smell St too. sed ma. Wich Jest then I started to quick go out of the room, pop saying. B9 (Wither away, Benny? Mooning "ware KHl was I going, nnd I sed, Out. B?fl? Out is a big place, sod pop. Meen- ' ' log he wunif- 1 to know Ixacklj ware. 1- and I sed, I got a lngugement to see sfl -:n ry vv atKins. O, hum, sed pop. Wich Jest then LI Qladdls ra.11 down stairs from hei IsV room and came In looking mad. sav- Mother, this has got to stop. I B Jest looked at my new 7 doller a hot- Hl tie perfume and about a quarter of It H Is gone. It must be Nora thats taking H it and I wish you would speek to her about It. I think lt3 perflckly dlskust- H ing H Haw haw haw. Mary Watklns, haw haw haw. sed pop. lafflng. lice he I never herd envthing so SS funny In my life, heo hee. sed ma. H Well If youll kindly lxplane ware the Joak comes In maybe III laff too I sed Oladdts 1-op and ma Jest lafflng I more insted of less, and QladdiS look- I ed even mailer an went down to the kitchen to tell Nora herself and I I quick went out without mv hat and I Mary Watklns was on her frunt steps I allreddy and the ferst thing she did vs smrll tlie colone. saying it amell-td amell-td bewMflll. nnd I rubbed my hand- I kerchlff on hers, making hers smell I prltty neer as mutoh ns mine without changing tho am. II of mine hardly eny A 00 ' MK& |