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Show ! START TESTING - -I ! OF AUTO LIGHTS 1 I Police Will Make Nightly Ex- aminations Beginning This Evening Test? h the pollrn of automobile 3 I headlights to rletormine whether or not lltlip lights pass approval of the new I traffic ordinance will be held toniKht j j at tho police station between 8 o'clock r and 10 o'clock. The tests will con-I con-I tlnue until September 26. when the P ordinance will bo placed in official I effect and arrests will be made of I i drivers whose lights plare. according: I I to the officers. ; A plan hru) been devised the test- (! in? place where motoilsts may ko through the t. sts in less than one mln-. mln-. ute. A line has been marked seventy- r the fer-t and a board fence whero on- t i lothei- lin. has been placed forty-two P I inches from the ground. To pass np- V:T :)proval the beams of light must fall low the mark on the fence, while P the car Is standing on the line. ; Approval rards will be Issued to mo- Ijtorista who pnaa the tSBtj successful!.', i Instructions will bo given to others I to have their lights corrected. r nn |