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Show oo HEAVY ENROLLMENT AT GOODING COLLEGE GOODING. Ida . Sept 6. Gooding college opens this week and the advance ad-vance enrollment is the largest in the history of the school. The departments of r.nnh In the regular college course include Titln, Greek art. Biblical literature, biology, chemistry, physics, economics, mathc-motlcs. mathc-motlcs. music philosophy' expression romance languages and commercial subjects. A pre medic course, covering cover-ing the subjects specltied by tbe American Am-erican council of medical education and the American Medical association, with Dr H E Lamb in charge, Is proving most popular. Madame Llllie Sang Collins is again in charge of the music and will be assisted by Miss Fern Osborn. Mrs Eva McCoy Blue, who has been dean of women since the commencement of the school. Is again In charge of this important work. Uther members of the faculty are Edith Florence Barrett, Bar-rett, latin and zoology; Chester L Buckner. nthletir director and professor profes-sor of social sclfnres. Jessie O. Car-t Car-t r. history and Spanish. Herbert Den-nlson Den-nlson Cheney, special professor of language; lan-guage; Rev. ffm, Jonathan Douglass, Instructor In English bible; Lena Pauline Paul-ine Grau, registrar and Instructor in home economics, Icona Whltworth Logue, professor of English; Anna Mae Shipley, librarian and professor of mathematics; Esther Hope Jacoby. expression and dramatics |