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Show SONG CLUBS TO ! BE FORMED HEBE Community Service Leader Arrives and Announces Plans for Future Harry Murrison, in charge of com-jmunlty com-jmunlty singing for community serv-ilce serv-ilce with headQuraters at Chicago, ar-I ar-I rived here yesterday from the east to I assume duties here with H. W. Ar-bury Ar-bury in charge of the local work Mr Bfunison stated toda that he would organize several community service song club3 immediately and that community singing In lodces, clubs and other o'ganlzatlons in Ogden would be organized in the future. A class for song leaders vtll be organized at once. Offices for the local branch of the national chapter will be opened this week on the top floor of the I'tah National Na-tional bank building, according to Mr J Arbury. Miss Josephine Randall, who has had charge of the pla ground work.: will depart for Chicago Wednesday. She will attend the national Bchool 1 for community service No successor for Miss Randaii's position has been named |