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Show SOCIALISM IS REMEDY, CLAIM Party's Aim Is lo Transform Present Capitalist System, ; Candidate Says CHICAGO, Aug. 1. In his letter ac- ceptlng the Socialist vice presidential ' nomination, mads public today by Socialist So-cialist national headquarter?. Seymour Stedman of Chicago summarized the party's aim as the "transformation of the present capitalist system into a : collective and co-oDoratlvo society." , "We have always, ho added, "advo-i "advo-i cated a peaceful change, and this high hope is still cherished by us." liugene V. Debs, five times head of l the Socialist ticket, was notified In prison at Atlanta , Ga., by a special ' committee several months ago and made an Informal address In reply I Notification ceremonies were dispensed dis-pensed with relative to the vice presl- .'icntial candidate A chance in society, Stedman declared, de-clared, is Impending, and he said that the Socialist party offered tho only j practical program to avert threatened ; chaos He urged Immediate soclallza-' Hon of railroads and mines, flour mills and stockards. "I accept the nomination you tender ten-der me." he wrote, 'deeply appreciating appreciat-ing the confidence and comradeship with which It comes, and pledge my 'best efforts to irrert the duties and requirements re-quirements of the task you have set ! for me. STAND LRD-BE VRI R MUTE, "Our beloved standard bearer Isl mute by the Judgment of a harsh and1 Unreasonable interpretation of war-j time legislation. His Imprisonment is Continued by a ruthless, despotic chief of the Democrats, supported by a Republican Re-publican congress Yet his clarion call will rally together all Intelligent workers work-ers of hand and brain, all who love liberty and believe In freedom and humanity." Of the work of the peace conference, confer-ence, Mr. Stedman said: 'Self-determination meant to our party and comrades what it said It was a declaration Which first came to life from a convention of our part and we are the only political party in the United Slate i which stands for keeping the faith and reroRnlzlng the Russian Socialist republic, the only party In the I'nlled States which demands de-mands recognition of tho Irish republic. repub-lic. We denounce the proposed league of nations as an organization of International Inter-national capitalists banded together for the purpose of subjugating and exploiting the peoples of the world I I .t l l FREE PJ OP1 ES. "Wi favor a league of free peoples administered by delegates elected directly di-rectly bv and responsible to the people." peo-ple." Dealing with domestic affairs. Mr. Stedman continued: Freedom of speech has become a byword the llbertj of the press Is a lost liberty; representative government! is attacked and successful throttled In the state legislature of New York; the citizens of a congressional district have twice been denied representation! by denlng its elected representative his seal and participation In congress.! newspapers, the most enllKhlerned In the country, are denied the use of malls, mob violence and murder have been and are being tolerated and approved, ap-proved, houses have been searched and papers seized and people arrested arrest-ed withoui warrant or legal procedure 'Large industries Ko unchecked in grabbing profits; the railroads are handed back to private prBilego with a loan and guaranteed dividends Thel miners and railroad workers are! crushed by injunctions and indictments indict-ments and tried under war statutes for offenses charged to hae been committed within the last few mouthy And now by no means, do we behold B relaxation. CAPITALISTS ENTREXI HED. "The most firmly entrenched capitalists capi-talists of the world are In this coun-l try The world war has solidified and united them. They control the press and the avenues of information and the economic power and wealth of the country. The closing of v-.ar In Buropi opens j more clearly the class conflic t. A c arc drifting Into a firmly established capitalist cap-italist despotism with thousands of spies, reckless power and subdued workers Capitalism may topple over and bring In Its wake chaos, starvation land destruction, to meet thlv impend-I impend-I Ing change intelligently, to avert this I chaos and destruction, our party offers of-fers the only sane and practical program pro-gram "We are pre-eminently the American Ameri-can party, because we stand foursquare four-square with the Ideals and tradition1) now betrayed bj self-styled patriots. "We offer the only possible solution for the preservation of civilization. The , er increasing cost of living. I shortage of coal cars, scarcity In coal production high Interest rates, ln-creaslng ln-creaslng unemployment, call for Immediate Im-mediate remedy. sot ALISA1 DEI LARED REMEDY. 'Wo declare the reVicdy now , socialize so-cialize the railroads, the coal mine! now; the flour mills and stockyards now open unused land to cultivation now; prepare to substitute for this capitalistic oligarchy the social ownership owner-ship and democratic management of the means of production and the control con-trol of gov ernment for the producers by the producers. Mere political issues will not meet I the requirements of today s social problems Economic readjustment of a fundamental character must be made peacefully If we preall We enter en-ter the conflict with the call from the dungeon to liberty,' from the white walls of Atlanta's bast Me to the White House at Washington." |