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Show SESSmSZEE ,u-J-'!-'"-T.' M it. - I Back Feel Lame, Sore I I If lm Sf"H and Achy? I I I iitLjO?lBfl. Y yu Set up these summer 1 I I '"n '0Wf$m fWfM JLI mornings feeling tired, achy I I I Mli .j'J 437? iMimStWtm ancJ lacking energy and am- I :C Ii'1,1!' bition? Do you drag through the day j 1 '--JM fmsi a Steady' naging backache? I iti ii- 'Pl JT Evening find you dull, irritable "all 1 I H Jft' ''iiili neys are 'to blame. Modern habits, I I with constant hurry and worry, lack I '!WvVP': throw 'a Teartraun upon the kid- I I lftJW W rlTs neys. Your back gives out - feels I lame and achy; you are tired and depressed and likely suffer headaches, dizzy spells and j perhaps an annoying kidney irregularity. Don't go from bad to worse. Get back your B if health and keep it! Take things easier for awhile and begin treating the weakened I kidneys with DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS DOAN'S have brought new strength to thou-I thou-I sands They should help you. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! 1 These Are Ogcten Cases 9 I I Lincoln Avenue Twenty -fourth Street Adams Avenue I I Mrs O Spencer, 2962 Lincoln avenue, oays: "I have Wm Hadley, 1083 Twenty fourth street says: "Doan's Mrs. J, C. Crompton, 3165 Adnms avenue, says: "I can M u.od Donn's Kidney Pills oft and on for .evera. years and ts'ck'of MdnStfw sZy Stiffi & Cert3,nl D' K,d"Cy P"U- Whtnever ' have I consider them a splendid remedy for kidney trouble. by a cold 60ttllng on my kidneys. I would suffer sovercly overworked, I have suffered severely from kidney com- f xjtfi When my kidneys become dlsordettd, they act Irregularly I could hirdly get up after sitting down because of the plaint. At times I could hardly stand because of the I At these times. I have severe backaches, too I always jjgE Sff1 .i oTyMdne's'and V.l driad,ul a,"S the refll0n f ? ' Wa'ked keep Donn's Kidney Pills In my home and they always secretions wero scant and burned In pSSSSQS, I always too fast I would be greatly troubled with shortness of : give me fine relief " use Dean's Kidney Pills rrom Driver's Drug Store for breath I became eisllv excited and felt all out of sorts, r j The above statement was Blv, March 1, 1917, and on tho attack, .and they ooknock thea.ns out my , alwayi use Doan's K.dney PI.., from McBr.de', Drug H December 3, 1019. Mrs Spencer said: "Since endorsing keep this fin? kidney remedy on hand." s,or for these troubles and thoy always give fine re- Doan's Kidney Pills In 1917, I haven't had the slightest suits. Doan's always remove the complaint In a short , J flffl need to use them. Doan's cured me to stay cured and time and I praise them to my friends and neighbors" rr3 they will cure others." I I Jefferson Avenue flggk Twenty-second Street I Sffl A. W. Russell, 3520 Jefferson avenue, says "I strained flE2 JfMfcv ( KSfVr" Sr'vH Mi . Molena Fisher, 86t Twenty-second street, says: v; back by heavy lifting some five years .met sul Km MLXJSjSm M wVtOsllff KOnlvSd "Just recently I beo'-n to s-jffr- with kidney trouble. fered severely from kidney trouble I couldn't do ffifl 4QM"CBilaL 'iHgV CSsARH Without warning, I get a -..evert- pain through my kid. S-sl MM ..... . . . i . , . , , . VfSiil VbAiflr B M QSuBSrAVlf s wh :h troubled me a gieit deal I vis .ilio grc.it- L;r l MM lifting at the time because of the severe pains which BW S$f- JOfJf fflmWJI ly annoyed by the Irregular action o? my kidney-. My 1 .vould catch me in the umall of my back M kidneys I B H?flSft,,jf bnck became sort and lame too. It ached constantly acted too frequently and the secretions were scent and 1 XvSftV through tho region or my kidneys. I had often heard 1 burned in passage. I would have dizzy .pell, and wou.c, mK MM wlth&th'smKSOn 0Ot VDo!m'l K, Sfi . -i often fall right over. I read about Doan's Kidney PIII3 from the first and I continued their use until cured " 4 and a couple boxes from Culley's Drug Store made- my (Statement given February 27 1917.) MM 9 back a. sound as a dollar and my kidneys were strength- No package of Doan's Kidney Pills Is geneulne unl06S . pkn n'VtonXFou1L 2 perma ! 53 cned and In fine condition. The dizzy spells also dlsap- It bears the maple-leaf trade-mark and tho signature nent ancj have since enjoyed the best of health All that ivj peared." "Jas. Doan"' I 6ald at that time Is true." I Doan's Kidney Pills I I P jEvery Druggist has Doanj 60c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo. N.Y. 8 |