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Show YANKS DEFEATED BY U SOX 40,000 Fans See Home Talent Shut Out in Sunday Fea ture; Ruth Goes Hitless. AMERICAN LEAGUE" AMERICAN LE .l EL W. L. Pet. Cleveland 65 33 663 New York 64 38 628 Chicago 61 38 .616 Washington 46 H7 .489 St. Louis .. 45 49 .4S4 Boston Al 59. .441 Detroit 35 69 .372 Philadelphia 29 70 293 Yesterday's Results. At Chicago Now York 0, Chicago 3. .t lenoit Boston 4. Detroit i At Cleveland Washington S. Cleveland Cleve-land 5. At St. Louis Philadelphia 3. 8t. Louis LI, TKin 'a v liedule. Now York at Chicago. Philadelphia at St. Louis. Boston at Detroit. Washington al Cleveland. CHICAGO. Aug. 2 A crowd estimated esti-mated at 40,000. said to be the largest larg-est over to attend game in the American Am-erican league park, yesterday naw Chicago Chi-cago shut out New York, 3 to 0 Wonderful pitching by Cieotte, 1 backed by perfect support vas responsible. respon-sible. Not S visitor pussed second base, and onl fie hit safely. The fielding of Jackson and Kclsch was sensational. Jackson went Into the crowd In the fourth arid robheil Ktith of a double After he caught the ball he fell over tho fans. The New Workers claimed he dropped the ball, but Umpire Connelly ruled other-' wise. Manager Hubkius said the IT an-i kt-es would play the game under pro-test pro-test and he objected o strongly thai h" was banished from th'' g.imi Score R. H IS. New York 0 5 1 Chicago 3 11 0 Batteries: Shawkey, Lewis, Alurg-i Alurg-i luge and Ituel; Clcotte and Schulk. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 2. Si. Louis in the early nr.ings yesterday drove out Moore and Bigbee and defeated Philadelphia, Phila-delphia, 12 to 3. Jacohson led with three doubles and a single in five times nt bat. Score R H. E. Philadelphia 3 7 i St. Louis 12 12 1 Butteries: Moore, Blgoee, Hasty , and Myatt ; Davis and Collins. k CLEVELAND. Aug. 2. Washington opened its series yesterday with an 8-to-0 victory over Cleveland. Bagby, who started for Cleveland, was driven out In the third, when Rice tripled and Both hit a home run Into the new field stand, the first time the jfeat had been accomplished. Clark, a recruit, who succeeded j Bagby, was effective. Rice stole sec-I sec-I ond twice and home In the fifth. Score: R. II. E Washington 8 12 2 Cleveland : 5 8 3 Batteries Shaw and Ghnrrlty; Bag-lly. Bag-lly. Clark. Niehuuss and O'Neill. DETROIT, Aup 2. Hoyt outpitch-I outpitch-I ed Ehmke, and Boston won the first , game of the series from Detroit, 4 to 2. Mclnnis made B remarkable stop of a drive off Jones' bat when the Tl-gi. Tl-gi. is had tile basc-s filled in the third Score: R H. E. Boston 4 8 2 Detroit 2 6 1 Batteries: Hoyt and Schang; Ehmke and Stunage Alnsmlth. |