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Show 1- 7) Brigham Society! 4. : I BRIGHAM. Aug I. Mr J. H. Cllne of Salt Lake City is visiting her eon, Mr. J. H. Cllne. at the fCmJdson apartments. In honor of Mrs Cllne a canyon supper wns enjoyed Inst night by the following: Mrs. J. H. Ciine. Mr. and Mrs. C W, Knudson, I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Call. Mr. and Mrs-J. Mrs-J. H. CUhs, Jr , Helen Cllne and Master Mas-ter Whitney Clayton Miss ICugcnla Tond rame up from Solt Lake City and spent few days as the guest of Mrs. Eldred Hatch. Miss Miriam Evans and Miss Plor- nc Jonesare spending a week in Idaho Among mo places they will v,3lt is Paris, Idaho, where they will be the guests of Mrs- June BaHcntync. j Mrs H D. Paige of Boisf, Idaho, is I the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. James I Knudson. The f.irm bureau will hold a meeting meet-ing tonight in the court room of the court house. The subject of discus-.-N.'in will be "Home Improvement. "' A jj club Is to bo organized this ! evening. I Miss Dora Joscphson of Rockland,' Id.--ho, la vlalting in Brigham with her grandmother, Mrs nn Josephson, :.nd relatives. Miss Leora Larson and Miss Crystal Jeppson left today for Brighton. Ltah. where they will enjo) life for the next two or three weeks Mr. and Mrs. R. M Jeppson of Blackfoot, Idaho, visited relatives and friends In Brigham yesterday. Mrs Edward F Peterson of Mllner. Idaho. a visiting in the city, the guest ot .Mr: ;ienn Boden. Mrs W C. Patterson ot Douglas, Georgia, is visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Facer at Perry P. W Knudson and family loft Tuesday Tues-day for the resorts on Bear lake where they will enjoy life for the next icn days or two weeks. In honor of Mrs. Victor Kottor. n bride of two weeks ngo. a parcel fc.hoer was given nl the home of Mrs f Minnie Hotter yesterday by Mrs Amos FVeeman and Sirs. Minnie Kottor. Aj tiny luncheon was served after Which I the bride opened her many beautiful -'tts. Those present were Sirs. Victor Kotter, Mrs Victor l'.ott, Mrs. Lee ' rlhr. Mrs. Wallace Lund. Mrs. AVm. I Kotter, Mrs Clifford Jensen, Mrs. Hehry Kotter, Mrs. James Jensen. Mrs. Minnie Kotter, Mrs. Amos Freeman. Free-man. Miss Genevieve Kotter, Miss Gertrude Kotter and Mrs. J . Hesa Charles Reeves and daughter, Lu-clle, Lu-clle, were Salt Lake visitors Monday. Dr. and Mrs. M. G Hanson ond the .Misses Curilo ami Helen L'tnd reiurn-j reiurn-j ed Monday from a trip to Preston, I Idaho. Saturday was spent at Cherry creek fishing. ' Mr. and Mrs Wlllard Jensen arc now residing at Bingham where Wll-Jlard Wll-Jlard is buck on his old Job In charge I of the store room ut the Hjland Boy mine. Thursday morning early. July 22. the- people of the First ward were awakened by the buzz of the Rose Swarm of Bee Hive girls as they has-Ltcncd has-Ltcncd to the home of Mrs J. H. Fors-gten. Fors-gten. who was to be their chaperon as Bee Keeper At 7.30 the lawn was covered with bedding, food, supplies, tents and cook-i:ig cook-i:ig Utensils, besides a swarm of girls, (21 in number.. Two large trucks carried them to Para i creek where they arrived safely at 12:30. On tho way the girls vvre brimful of life a,:d gave vent to their feelings by expressions of admiration for the air. the scenery and evt rythlng in general. gen-eral. Their merry songs made the hills re-echo. The mothers have a just caUse for pride for en route not one gli 1 displayed Selfishness, temper or any form of ill breeding Arrived at their destination seven miles beyond Avon, tents were pitched and camp life begun. First, the glrl3 were divided into groups for preparing meal3 The cooks also served the meals they prepared Each girl washed her own dishes and returned them to her kK She likewise took turns In making the bed she occupied with two other girls Three shrill whistles brought the girls to tho center of the campus for' meals and for Instructions. One long hike was taken each day to gather flowers, pick Barvlce , berries, ber-ries, and make a general study of the country. On Sunday last Sunday school was held on the grassy slope of a nearby hill A very Interesting program was carried car-ried out consisting of Group singing. Prayer, "My Experience ns a Teacher in -Sunday School" Jane E. Compton. Song ivy Btevana and Lucretia An-l An-l dcrson. I Heading Jennie Compton. General Discussion "Why Don't We Administer the Sacrament In Tins Sunday school'" Every evening the girls made a big I bohflre and then sat in the flickering light and told stories and .van;, tic songs that all girls love to sing in i.ho iv. tlight. Tv o thunderstorms enrne to disturb for a time, but the girls were unanimous unani-mous in saying that tlie expeilence was j worth while after all. as it gave them 1 en opportunity to show their love for i each other by sharing what Utile dr : clothing and bedding there was At lo o'clock prayer and goori nights ''i"' said er.d iweuty-stx happj girls 1 slept as only care-free girls can. 'those enjoying the outing were: Mrs Jane F, Compton, Lucrelia An-Iderson, An-Iderson, Afton Forsgren, t-'reda Green -halch, Jennie Williams, Barbara Fors-gien, Fors-gien, Mabel Mums. Mary Peterson, I Virginia Ilamson, Edith Horslev, Phyllis Watklns, Thelm-i Jensen, Grace Jensen. Jenr.ie Compton, 1'hyMis Rowhor, Jessie Peterson, v'cioy Peterson Peter-son ivy Stevens, Mabel Met kham, ura Mcekham, ina OlSen, Rusav Peterson. Lcga Walker, Grace Taylor. Waldo Forsgren and Mrs. J. H. Forsgren The girls take this opportunity of thanking Mr George Nichols, Jr, for jthe part ho played in making their outing a grand success. |