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Show Mother Waa Satisfied. During a little Hurry In tha aenate over an appolutmont, sor.ie New Vorkera approached Senator Depew and Inquired whether there wae anything any-thing serious In It. "Hardly." replied the senator. "U makes mo think of an old woman who hud a son In tho railroad bnt-noa. bnt-noa. lie loft New York without letting let-ting her know and disappeared entirely. en-tirely. She wa no vory tomt ot nlm that she called every tiny to And out about him. Finally It aroused our sympathy and we traced blm to South America, and found he bad enlisted en-listed In a regiment and was taking part In a revolution. We told tho old ludy "nd alio calmly replied: " 'So he a In a South Anrerlky rero. liillon, la he? Thank Ucat fur that! I thought he might be rushing Into some danger.' " New York Times, |