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Show WON FOR HER CANDIDATE. Mlaa Hewitt Provea Heraelf an Eacel-lent Eacel-lent Campaigner. At (ho recent eln tlun for inemhera of tho ..li.nl biiuid at Went MMlord. N. J. Mlsa Kiirah Cooper II. 'will, daiitihter of Hi" late Aliiniu S. Ilewlit of New York, proved hernclf an cxpiTt pcllthul cainpiiiKiicr. Hho took mi ac-In., ac-In., pint In Ihe cnnillihicy or J. II I'rln. o of I ihI. in.', a wealthy man, k'.io pnilliled that If ho wan elected a m-hniil trustee ho wctiM aiw n f .'.VO'io, choolliouM. for the vlllnf.e of Krsklne In einutatinu of a aliulliir filft tuu.l.. hy llio Into Mr. Ili-wllt to I tin villaiiii of Ml. hale. Ml. Hewitt haa hcen a meinher of Itie nchool l)o;iril herself. She cauviiKfed the township In tho In-tcrei.ti In-tcrei.ti of Mr. I'rlnce and chartered a tpocliil train on tho (lieenwo. .1 Lake railroad and ran It between HIckwimhI ami Mldvalo for tho at coinnioilaiiou of voter In that Hparm'ly nettled town-iitilp. town-iitilp. Hho alio nerved a luncheon free to all romera at the hotel near the nolllnt; place. ThchO tneihoiU hail their effect and her candidate wan elected hy a KHid majority. |