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Show iRuaala'a Richest Man Dead. , Tha richest nan In Ituiala. Nikolai Tereatrhenko, died the other day In Moacow, In hla 86th year, leaving a ' fortune of IIOO.irOU.OGO Kor mora J , tAaji Afljr jreare he hm4 beea Me at Ike rurloellles of Moaoow. II alept nly four boura In tha twenty-four, wo houra at night and two houra afr ar luncheon. At I orloi k every morning morn-ing bt bad mesa said In hla room. At f o'clock be began work with hla tecratarlee, eating nothing until noon, when ba look an egg or A bowl ol oup. lie had only oaa eolhl meal lay, and that us at 10 o'clock at tight. |