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Show BRIOHAM VOUNQ'B LONQCAREER Late Mormon Lesdor Actlv In Build-Inn Build-Inn up th Church. Hrlghnm Young, son of President Young, founder of the Mormon rhurch. who died In Bnlt Lake recently, recent-ly, had been 111 for a long tlmo and spent lust year In Idaho In search of health. Mr. Young was horn In Klrt-land. Klrt-land. Ohio. In I Mil. He was president presi-dent of tho Council of Twelve Apostles, Apos-tles, slid by virtue of 'hat position wa In direct Hue to becomo tho head of the rhurch. to which place ho would "ndouhtiilly have uccceded had he lived, because of hla family connection and the Influence nf the name In Utah. Throughout bla life , w Ilrlgham Young had been prominently promi-nently Identified with tho work of the Mormon rhurch both at home and abroad. Ha waa a member of the Utah legislature for aoveral term and had occupied many positions of honor and trust. He went to Utah In I Hlli. making the perilous Journey arrosa tho trncklesa plains while yet a mere boy. I.Ike nil the pioneers of this valley, hi erly life, when not fighting hostllo Indian, wu spent in performing hard manual labor. Ilrlgham Ilrlg-ham Young made several trips abroad In the liitcreat of bla church, and la 1KIH was president of the Kuropean Mission. In 187V he waa Imprisoned for refusing to turn rerlaln church property over to the government stent, but waa rclcaud after throe weeka" confinement. |