OCR Text |
Show j CEUTANS ARE SCARED. Trouble In Morocco Aaaumes Alarming Proportions. A dlapstih from Cents, Morocco, re-porle re-porle tho port of Tetunn, Morocco, as being In a very critical position. The pretender la being urged to attack Tallinn, Ta-llinn, Iho rapture of which la conald-en conald-en d eaay. The Kuropean antl Jewlah realtlenla of the place are unable to leave exrept by aea, and bava re mealed meal-ed that a at earner he sent to fetch them, as In const-quenco of the Ineuf-tlclent Ineuf-tlclent gnrrlaon. the town will soon be In the fiends of the Inaurgents. The Hpanlarila have demanded the protection protec-tion of the Hpanlah government. |