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Show I ' FOR SALE J'l Red Eatmta , !i ' "pivm. nr down take;! 56x1 46 sM o,oom house, cellar, chi-ken ' barn lights, fruit trees, pood ggjj 29-J-2 1086 TTM'fully modern brick, oast front hpnch fireplace, hardwood floors, 08 inc porch, work porch, 1 3 ce-s,e ce-s,e ?Id lwni'-n. furnace heat, l:-un-U "irbs 'electric figures, blinds, lino-9 lino-9 dom ind good supply of coal .All go ffl fU? nroDern- Lot 50x137, close to1 Wi line and' schools, unly 54u0.00. 1 1 Jfn require JloOO.'OU caBii, terms on h bailee n.iitM new um-Iern brick south trr.nt I henrb 1 block to car line Lot 37x Hi 0i- Can 'give almost immediate pos m 1 jnn fcmall cash payment, terms to 1 SfS" nce- ?n'ouo- J-A "c0 2 iSiUocb. 1 M SrtTBROOMED mod house and lot.. Y So furniture, phone 29 R-3. 1113 "TrTLK ijood old fashioned JV!L bouse, five rooms, good cellar, Z-p lot plentv ol shade, make a good Jt K. P. Hunter, 431 I 3 . 1124 ? "T7'ni modern lrame house, 10 j ,,-t, ,' month, or I mi nnt lor $30 per month. ' i VVLL,L ' f rvf ii, oJ' rn hrieK furnace, orchard, I f rn "arage, ideal location. Sl'7 26th ?.! I t 1123 CM I 4 ,INE C roiim inodi-in house, sood loca-uon. loca-uon. P"ce $2,750.00. Phone 2029 i jjTTJivNER -Place on Washington 2933. i all or part. I urs Kate Beckuian 1J 4 W. N i .salt Uke City. . elegant lot Dear the Pingree .school ; (or ofllj $3CU. $50.00 dowil, balance on It ' ib'e instalment plan, a great b J j Brumailt, 241 1 Hudson Ave 754: I APARTMENT house, 4 beautiful I apannKDis, partlj furnished, can give :iueu:;ii' pvf.- osiun ul uiie fumibucu ipunent. Terms or cat-b. Inquire siereaS; 2104 Jcffer3on, afternoons 74b, ; GOOD 6-rooni modern bousu within i block of the L'ujou Depot, large lot, itade trees, will pay one per cent per ' EcmUi in.eresi on the inesiment, jo; I ooly J-Mu. J. J- UiuLuiimi, Fhone 59.1 754 ,N ek-?ani lot ou Washington aenu. 1 id feci deep, nice shade trees, only jj 00 per tront foot This is a good ' bur y J- B"unujitt, 2 117 HudsoD Ae. 5 i (Ib-ACRE farm, c miles west of ugd n room frame boube, West 201 h 31. Ifcraii. fhone 2001-K. G. T. Terry, i i M , CHOICE RANCH. I HO ACHES, about one iiu'". lred acres I mltivated, balance meadow and pats I ture This is located in best section vi Ugdvn valley, has plenty o Irri-1 Irri-1 gating water, good house and other mprovements l'rice, including horses and a1 necessary implements, $51,000. We can convince y ou thai this is one I t'f the f-.est ranches in the Male for fenf.-al farm, dairy or siuiK purposes I Will sell for on. half cash, balance ijag Lime. L. W. Cannady, 242'.' Hud-i Hud-i son Ave. an 7 MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms, hard-i hard-i oodiloors. white enamel and natural Sam wcoil work, tile bath, fireplace, I sot water heat, sement basement, fruu room, laundry tray, gas range, gas I beater, and laundry stove, all .corns papered, dearie fixtures, shades and I drapes complete, garage and c hicken I coop Built . months ago for owner s j Lorn Lot 56x120 I'rlce $8500.00. I '.'all C E. Wright at Wright's. 103b' urn BUYS ' A 7 room modern house close in cn the bench; good barn and yard Terms 5-R00M MODERN BRII K Large lot 66x132 ft. Good fruit trees, located on ' . bench, for immediate sale $2750; tti-ms. W50- 37i,2Xl50 ft. lot on the bench, with the excavation excava-tion done and cement foundation already in, and enouch cement blocks to build a 6 room house, thifl is an opportunity to save M'-'Oii on your n--w home GUARANTY MORTOGE CO , uc --'h St. Phone 115 J.1" Da-V ou to see us about pood loan, city residences and lotE none IS ,6 1'orter Realty Co 2374 "i-o. Ave. basement. List with us.' 1031 EP, ;1Cr,JS of about one ail? , 11 ln fruit' w,h a frontage of - feet on East 12th street, with a six room house, ph-nty of chicken Jf -barns and outbuilding.., for nh "J". worth about $10,000 J J nUPhune 53 754 thbest bargain in idaho for1 Jp A RANCH. Wtb Z q?"' J hundred acrel taacco MiM ne' Idaho iDtJPendentJ E ''lable .land and in crop this year. SnrmrCaUldwbe WHtered A good ftS h?rn dc,;n1h0U8e. a n.ce orchard. Ct, i,u,?,,y-two fect b- forty-oneh.nS forty-oneh.nS hCV l0ft in oeDlcr' idea ami III r shP'p 'heds' 'ra"; raarh n'ei lb at go with a uod .Miia for ,ar1ff ams"?DJent hall that 'lol eim hundr a month, ihlrtj 4 aul. fnr, 'Vea head of horses. and Inrl 6S' ,wo huQdrcd chick prac 'tb'a nnrl I n lmDlwmtnt9 that go frtck snCD flve wagons, a two ton ftDjehold r,,,8'-18 of h, and all!, JS?w his n4mn bus,nesS don': Secies ,ii h0 Walker Company, UjO Clcs Bldg.. ugden, Utah Phone 1 FORSAJLEAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER. 9-ROOM modern house. 6V- acres, all 'u fruit; chicken house for2000 chick ' "i k'nd"! of out buildings . ROOM house, 7',, lots $3500 if sold at once. Phone 17S7. 576 Canyon Rd. , 1163 9-ROOM modern frame house on 81st street, close to Washington. $3500. 10 ?'n'n,f CMn and ?:!or, Pr month b-KOOM modern lrame house close to payed street. $2750. $10 per ceni cash and 530 no per month. 5-ROOM frame one-half block from paved street, on North Washington, l5n 10 Ppr cent casn $o0 00 e month 4 ROOM frame house on bench close' to paved street, $1750 10 per cent' cash $25.00 per month. 3 ROOM frame house close ln on bark street, $1200 $100.00 cash. $20 0b perl month ! 4-ROOM frame house west of Wall In the railroad district, $1200. $100 00 cash, 820 00 per month p-ROOM frame house valuable corner lol, $1200. $150.00 cash. $20.00 per' UUillO, -1 WILL be ln office from 10 to 2 If you wanl a home call in don't phone 'w d.-ii. 2168 Wash. Ave. 114S WILL take pood ear on 5 acres with 6-n om new house n paved road 1 mile youth of cits Phone 1;:I60-M. 1159 A GOOD modern 4 room house, well heated two blocks up on the bench for only $1$00; 8400.00 down; balance same as paying rent. J J. DrummltL Phone 59. 754 REAL osiate. any kind, price or place 2731 MadiSOD Phone 2029. 1147 POUR room modern furnished 1'345 L''n "In Bargain Inquire Victor-, Barber shop. 1007 SECOND HAmTsT : WE take yor olu range as lirst payment pay-ment on any sew range or will ujv your old range outright. Home Fur- 1 niture Co. 4p7j LFOR SALE j Poults? ajad Egg ALL kinds of chickens for sale; cheap Call 881 Thirty-second St 1065 I MONEY TO LOAN j IT v. ill pay you to see us bout good farms, loans, city residences and lo'.s ' Phone lot Porter Realty Co., J3. 1 ' v ab Avt. List with us 966 MONEY adduced to salaried pcupit. wiinout security. Utiiera oil luimiurt I and pianos. Lasy weekly ur uiuniLi.. paymeDta. Dix, zzi col. riuds.-u Liu, Fhuiitt 2bi. a7b7 KALPU k. HUMT&R, L-AUiDasbeO IbfeW. Mortgage Laju no, Keal ceLdn UauraDco, LJtah, ldt.hu lanua, mma kud city property. Ferssouo uesiruig to loan inone.y on good uroi LL.origagv security wUi do well lo oolluuU Uit. Ijouu yiy Icationa u, ., uu bana 4l gith ou, Ogaen, Uian. 4210 UcNEY to loan on improved reui e3-tate. e3-tate. Kelly &c derrick. V7 WONLf to loan on r-ai eaun cscur-Uy. cscur-Uy. J. J. limminltt n 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE j EIGHT acres jum outside 01 the uiy liiiiitii uii south Grani aid Hudson ave nue.s, w hat is known as the olu Uak ! chicken ranch, n lias a aix-room mud . ern housu with city water, has a ;low-ing ;low-ing spring, ample water for all that is! needed; has windmill and w 11 bouse; gasoline engine; has a new garage lur two cars, barn room for four horses, big hay Jolt, a new storage and coal 1 house, four big .ncubaiors and enough Chicken coops lor lhe thousand clack ens, lour acres is flatted in loia; there Can be enough lou sold tu pa loi what we ask lor the whole eight a;Te. e will sell lor a reasonable payment ' down and the balance to suit pur j chaser. The Walker Co., Phone 1180. 997 I WANTED - i Situ&tiona J Ibxn. CUimney bweep Co. Phone 3U4 All work guaranteed. 1170 STENOGRAPHER wishes position. 118 W. 27th St 1108 BY lady stenographs and bookkeepi 1 Phone 3265 J 1156 A JAPANESE school boy wants a po-r.ltion po-r.ltion in a decent family. Please write address 165 25th Htreet. Tel. 1831-J. 1142 CARD and character reading. -149 26th St. 1046 EXPERT typewriting and clerical work, geneological records arranged. Phone 1286 -W 958 PRACTICAL nurse by the day or week. Phone 1821 M. 763 FOR RENT j Board and Room ROOM and board for two gentlemen in private family. Phone 2769 M 1152 WANTED T Ren! SUITE ot rooms and board by n lined couple with two children. Refer aces Box a v , care Standard. 1 1 tr FURNISHED or unfurnished house or apartment by responsible party Re1 erences- Bx A. W., care Standard 1166 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARM. . 4S ACRES land with plenty water; 10-rom 10-rom brick and frame house, cood b:4ifl, new cow barn for 10 cows, new chicken house for 500 chickens, equipped equip-ped blacksmith shop; 15 acres alfalfa, S "Tes wheat, 10 acres mixed bearing fruit, balance general farm and pasture pas-ture land. Close to city limits and car line. 111 want $2500.00 cash and give long time at low rate of interest on balance $13,500.00 J A. McCulloch 857 PROPERTY on Grant bet. 24lb and 25th Sts. Apply 273G Wash. Phone 3145-M 819 n- -' . : WANTED Male Help J THREE or -1 days work Tor man and team; plowing and leveling. Phone 2335-R 1062 BOY with horse at Taylor or Wilson Write F. 11 car- of Standard; $fifJ I THREE boys with horses for Standard Stan-dard routes Good pay. Apply to Cir cuialicn Mgr., Ogden Standard. 556 WANTED Laborers for out-of-town work L.001I pay. Apply 215 Cede-Uldg Cede-Uldg 84 BEFORE seilin.-; JJbeily boncta get pricea from J. A. ilogle & Co. 2451 J WANTED J To Boy 1 ikii runaboul top Phone 2822 1 1 G 7 HIGHEST market prices for fat veal Calves and dressed hogs. Lester Park Market, 610 24th St. Phone 1164. 11US 1 BUY Liberty bonda. J. J. Brummltt, 11 Hudson Ave. Zb'ia , ACCRUEL inL plut markel prkj lo: uber.v pond-" paid oy J. . Hogle t Co Z44S ICASTOFF ciotnes. 2371-ii. 06 j LIBERTY toude ocigbu j. J. Lrum-mut. Lrum-mut. Phone 6. 263i . 1 CLEAN RAOS a an IMS at tno ttan Uaru offlCD. Concrete Ornamental j J Work j ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE. CEMETERY concrete coping. Wheel 1 Wright, Twentieth and Douglas. Phuue 26Z8-W. 4284 FQR SALE AUTOS j FIRST 8600.06 BUYS, j FOUR-CV LLNDEK HTe-passengei car. !.r.l-elass condition Call b23 Eccles Bldg. Phone 110. 1157 ! FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring car. 1102 Washington Ave Phone iio5 1155 11917 MODEN : Hupmoblle A bargain. I Newly .equipped, p o. Box 500. nay 5-PASS. model 90 Oorland, run only-lb only-lb months. Will sell cheap, leaving I town. 288 25th St. 11J1 i ; GRAND new Ford touring. ' DORT roaubter, cheap. 5-PASSENGER Overiand. i'LLKLL88 8-cyi. 1 pass-CADILLAC pass-CADILLAC 8-cyl 7-pasS. BROWNING A I I'OMOBILE CO. 1073 ONE FORD, Buick D-15, Chalmers 6-30 11918 Maxwell. All in excellent shape aud at bargain prices. Weber lay-I lay-I lor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Ave. Phone 143. 1069 LIAJiG A1N Buick Six, model D-45 ' Phono 27U2. 9967 ! FIAT, Hupmobile, Chalmers; all .n Igcad ruiiumg order. Wasaich Garage (and Storage. Phono 26. First-class j ahop in' connection. 9110 FOR SALE ELEVATORS. WE lurulsb and :l 'all high grade electric or hand elev vors, any capa-1 capa-1 city . Write IViu. Wativs, 24y Edltsun btreet. Salt Lake C'uy. We buy tecond hand ones. Z366 j i FOR RENT Unfurmtbed 8-ROOM modern Apt , steam healed, $35. Phone 1008-J. 1106 FOR RENT OR FOR SALE :". room lrame house, 953 21st St. lnq. No. 8 Covey Apis, after 5 o'clock. 1107 j HELP WANTED ; Male and Female SHOE sales clerks for Saturdays. ChriStenson'S Cut-Rate Shoe Store. 1105 LOST LONG envelope with soldier's pay roll Card and a letter from France and blank form. Ret. to address on en 1 1 lope. 112U 1 1 ARK blue sewing bag, somewnere be-iween be-iween bridge and i i u Points. If found call 8218 r hi Reward. 1145 WRIST watch in J. S. Lewis case No. 3951481 bei Wash, and Monroe on 25th St. or ou 2i)th iSt. car. Phone 23 18-R. Reward. 1103 BENCH oi key s on ring Sunday n.orn-1 ing between 22nd St. and Moose club. Finder please call at 23o Washington Ave. Reward. 1098 A man may save money, but he need net hope lo be :ied by money. WANTED Funale Help GIRLS and middle acod lady Amen can Linen Supply. 1C4 26th. 1135 COM PETENT i 7 cn7lddle agtd woman for house work part or all of time. Phone 743. 1092 A COLORED woman for maid work ood wages Applv Alta rooms. 22 25th Bt 1037 WOMAN in the kitchen Virginia Ho-x? Ho-x? 1091 HOUSEKEEPER for widower with three children. Phone 1369 M. 1133 W ANTED Girl or womnn to assist .with housework, either part or all of !)" day Call before 2 p. m at 818 !21th 1018 GIRL to assist with housework Small family; no Washing. Phone mornings, '-'2?'J 1014 f'.IRL wanted for light house work. 65f1 21st St. 77g .DRESSMAKING taught to anvone W illing to apply themselves See Mad-am Mad-am Capiau. 3rd llooi Wright's Biore. 9242 I WANTED -a chamber mal.l. Henly .hotel Apply in pci-son. 9011 (GIRLS wantef. to sew cc jvorails. Wb pay while ,ce. le?.rn. Only those who want steady Jobs Led apjiy. Scowcroft Manulacturing &014 LJ FOR 5 ALE "1 Miacelianeouj 1 " -rein M.rs!.all and W. vb 11 piano. 928 Blnford Ave. 1160 ; DINING room table $6 00; push cart' couch cover $7.00; gas range f 120. MO, rug $50.00. Phone 422. 1183 FOR SALE CHEAP 1 Singer sewing 1 machine; 1 large heater; 1 Siurgis I I collapsible baby buggy Phone 162 i J 1121 FO SALE 6weeks-old pigs a Derk-sen, Derk-sen, City Limit Btreet, Box 42, North' Ogden. 11S4; . A GOOD 900-lb. horse cheap. Call at 543 2uth Street. mo SLIGHTLY used gas hotspot, Columbia Colum-bia and Victor records, almost new at ! 35c each. Phone 2012 M 1162j 4 TO 10 A 1 YOUNG Jersey cows. Several Sev-eral coming fresh. Phone 1573. 1423 25th St. 1169 SECOND-HAND Roods bought, and sold. T. C. Iverson, 1640 Wash. Ave. Ph; 49. 1141 iiil.xv uan cnrriage. Apanmeni 28 Argyle. Price $25.00. 1126 1 'BIG sale on canaries; come hear them sing 2220 Lincoln. my , PRACTICALLY new oak dining table. 353 22nd SL 117 BEST qualm alfalia hay $.2.00 per ton F. O. B. Fernley, Nevada. Wm Gutch, Fernley, Nevada. iu")2 IliEESE for sale. Phone 2064-W. 605 ; Wash- 1137 ; WICKER baby buggy for sale. Good condition. Call 1476. 1067 FOR new and 2nd hand truck bodies,' see Brooks, 2219 Hudson. Prices right. ; 1128! NEW and slightly used sewing ma-Chines ma-Chines at the Liht House Electric Co. 2454 Washington Ave. Phone 581 1U68 Ml 3T be sold at once Soda fountain 'and wall case, cheap 288 25ih Sl 1130 FURNITURE Excnange pays highest prices for second hand turnlture and stoves Phone 2464. 253 25th street. 933 FOR SALE Furnl'.ure for eight rooms party buyiug furniture can rent house. Call at 614 2-llh St. 818 A FEW of those excellent uncalled for Dundee tailored suns Reduced prices. .uious bues. Dundee Woolen .dills on Hudson Ave. 738 l SULL equlpuiuui of uouseaold tuiui ture lor sale. u50 Gramercy avenue 587 SA.X.ON roadster for salo cheap. Apply Ap-ply 3L6 2bth St. 237 SECOND-HAND goods bought anu told. Iverson. 164U WoeS. 1 I 49- 9632 l iGS lor sale, btate Industrial School 8486 oUU blLAii.ES Cub UU, 4c, Must raiSO uiouey. Uox W, SLiiidard. 890. FOR tale, oue hauu plow, wood or tileel beam, one gati rauge, one wagon. Call at 2812 Grant Avy. i43l NEW and second hand goods bought oold and eX( hanged. Highest pricea paid lor second hand iuruiture Trunks and suit cases a bpecialty. Sluer Tixuk A: Furniture Stoie, 211 Twenty-fifth Street. Phone 1321. r.yj J. A. llUGLh tu. pay higueal prices m Oguen lo. Lrbcrvj bonds. 2460 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made, big reduction. Gordon's, 211-5 26lh St. Phone 419. 2177 DRESSMAKING DitESSMAKING, plain sewing. 350 31st St. y87 FASHIONABLE dressmaking, beading, bead-ing, latesi wool dam. Fitting and work guaranteed Phone 28io W. C79 REAR 2330 Adams Ave. Phone 1551 684 PLEATING, bultous, hemstitching, picot ai luc per yard; third tloor W. H. Wright &: Sons- 601 DRESSMAKING. Phono 1912 -J- 207 !' ad the iiaasified Ads FOR RENT I I FinirfstjsJ ROOM for gentleman. Phone 1880. 1022 NICELY furnished sleeping room for one or two gentlemen Use of bath and phone. Phone 1436-W. 1170 ONE or more H. K. R 2r,03 Gram. Phone 1265-J. nei TWO sleeping rooms for gentlemen. 2301 Wash . 1143 1 5-ROOM modern, newly furnished house. Inq. Rm. 326 Col. Hudson Bldg.l 1134 1 , 1 ' LE AN, comfortable furnished room I in private home. Heat, bath and phone. I 141 Herrick (Uinford) Ave Phone' 2001-J H22I ONE upstairs lu lsekeepin ajarimeiit j ,530 a month. 2563 Grant. 1085 NICELY furnished room, modern,! I close iu Call mornings or eenings i I 458 24ih St. 1087 I LARGE front room in modern home suitable for one ox two gentlemen. References required. 2438 Madtson. J Phone 1800. 1082, NICELY furnished front room, with: light, heat, bath and phone. 573 : Twenty -fourth St. 1059 TWO large housekeeping rooms fori rent Call 2551 N. M. 1066 ACCRUED I11L pita mcraet price for 1 l:berty ond pam J. A. Hoglj Co. 1449 ! Slade has moved to 432 Twenty-fifth Street Woodmen of the World Dance novelty stunts, turkey given away, refreshments $1.00 per couple, extra lady 50c Thursday, Nov. 27, W. O. W. Hall. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson Hud-son avenue, pays highest prices for Liberty bonds. oo 1 Read iho Classified Ads. " ""' -" "- ' I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS are payable iii advance, il you cannot bring your ad in use the phone and we will collect the following dav. ! we absolutely cannot afford to keep books on small amounts like these. Please do not ask us to. j m- ill |