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Show BUMPER WORLD CROPS FOR YEAR ARE REPORTED WASfetTlfOTON, Nov. CG Ilumper I world eropa of com, potatoes and barley, I rye, sugar beets, rice for this year are I hoWfl In estimated rompllfd by the Inter- J ! national Institute of arrlrultiire at Uonif , made publir IoiIm v by the rppartnient of 1 nprlrulture. The production of wheat. j meats and flaxseed, however show a de-I de-I crease from the average for thc five I yea i-5 ended In 1917. i tVhcnt production In 11 countries, ex-ceptlng ex-ceptlng the central power? will reach ' -'.040.509.000 buehela, 96.3 per cent of the five year averoce Corn will amount to , 3,lK194,p00 or U S per cr-nt greater than I i that of last year and A I per cent greater ' than that period produced for the last five jreara Other rope, the department'1 I cablegram show?, ai eetimated as fol- lows: Rye 169,414.000 bushels. 124 per cent five year average Oats 2,075,786.000 bushels. 90 n per cent Sugar boota 10.34 1,000 tons, 114 09 per cent. |