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Show I HIT BLOWN AWfiY IS AUTIl I OWB 1 l!! Thai v .Id hats although nre, are j found in civilized places was demon stratei thl-; morning when .i n an n north Washington, after n Btrenuouts i chase, succeeded in capturing a bi au t lul spefimpn which evidently aa Eai away from its natural habltal B ! Inasmuch as no owner of ih ha; '( was in Bight, it was .surmised ;hr-captor ;hr-captor that the h:,t was either vU 01 J was merely an estra. The hat was taken to the Standard when h v. a i placed in safe keeping The captured hat la a' tractive. While the color scheme s, m ihe main, black and preen, the beautj I enhanced by the fluffv, curling white feather which bedecks it v white pear buckle also adds to the attrac-tlveness, attrac-tlveness, and. last but not least, is a purple veil. That the hai had traveled a long distance wae evidenced by the Russian thistle which ;s enmeshed in the veil. The owuer is imiterl to call at The Standard and reclaim her lost hat. |