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Show oo iDOEi DEATH OP ISIP.CIBS Mrs. Katie Letitia Chambers, wife of William P. Chambers, died at the' home of her sister, Mrs. Wilmer For-1 irin in Eden while visitine tlim-n stio was stricken suddenly at 1 o'clock yesterday yes-terday afternoon and died within two hours. The body was removed to her home in this city, 1162 Farley avenue. Mrs. Chambers was born on the plains of Ohio on the way to Utah May 12, 1865. the daughter of Leonidis and Elizabeth Heniger Prichett, who had left West Virginia, en route to Utah shortly before her birth. She was brought by them to Eden and resided re-sided there for about fifty years, but moved to Ogden with her family about three years ago. Besides her husband she is survived sur-vived by ten children: Mrs. Elizabeth Fuller, Mrs. May Rollo, William L. Chambers, Alma Chambers, Mrs. Lottie Lot-tie Shupe, Parley Chambers, Mrs. Rose Reynolds, Miss Erma Chambers, Miss Kathryn Chambers, Arthur Chambers, and Mrs. Wm. Lindsay of Blackfoot, Idaho; also four sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Eliza-beth Carver of Preston, Idaho; Mrs. George Fuller of Eden, Utah; ' Mrs. Wilmer Ferrin of Eden, Utah; Mrs. Retta Ward of Ogden, and one brother, broth-er, A. L. Prichett. |