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Show Government Intends to Take Action at Close of War. A L I E NraiSONERS Beneficiaries of Deceased De-ceased Soldier's May Collect Insurance. WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. The decision de-cision of tho war department that the bodies of American soldiers who lost their lives in France, should remain in that country until after tho end of the war. was reached in agreement with the government of Franco. This is disclosed in the, annual report of Major-Goneral Harris, adjutant-general, made public today. Under articles agreed upon by the United States and the French government. govern-ment. General Harris said, the remains re-mains of all soldiers who die in France are to lie buried in France until the termination of the war. It was because of this agreement, the report says, that relatives arc Informed In-formed of the place of burial of soldiers sol-diers in France whenever this information infor-mation is obtainable. The report shows that a total of 5,035 enemy aliens were in custody as prisoners of war or under internment in this country. Of th$so l.-lll wore prisoners of war including the crews of German auxiliary war craft seized at the outbreak of the war. No prisoners pris-oners taken by the army in France have been brought to the United States. During the period covered by the report, eleven prisoners died; 11 interned in-terned aliens were paroled by the department de-partment of justice and 13 escaped, of whom two were drowned. In all there were 29 escapes but 16 were recaptured. WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Beneficiaries Benefic-iaries of deceased soldiers are not required re-quired to show that they were dependent depen-dent on the soldier as a condition for the collection of government Insurance Insur-ance on his death, Secretary McAdoo said today, explaining that there is current a misunderstanding 6n the question. The misapprehension is doubtless due to countless confusion with compensation regulations, he said. NEW YORK, Dec Army authorities authori-ties here announced today they had been unable to get in touch by wireless with the United States hospital ship Comfort since yesterday afternoon. The last wireless message received from the vessel, which is returning from Europe with American wounded troops, reported she was delayed by a heavy storm but was not in distress. dis-tress. It is believed by the military authorities au-thorities that the Comfort's wireless apparatus may have been put out of commission by tho storm. The ship is four days overdue. |