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Show Novel Cotillon Flgur. "Iilly Varden" la one of the neweat cotillon flgurea In vogue abroad. A acreeo la placed at on end nf the ballroom, ball-room, with an aperture at the baae, the ladle on one aide and the gentlemen gentle-men on the other. The ladlee walk In proceerlon, holding their aklrta a that their anklea are iren. and the gantlemen kneeling on the other aid cbooa lh particular ankle Uiy wiah to dunce with, when Hi irieeu I removed mid dancing tweaca general, gen-eral, nay a the lillnliinn Pi Thcro ought lu lie a ran tn ainnrt allppera and atochlnga If th "Holly Varden' Is lnt induced on ttm side of the tea. |