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Show I Jhs JZatcst Jdcas jrom Paris Kmhroldered Inn. over collata tn greater vnrlctv than ci-r. ()rui-a fiiiiilline lor tmiih and cnt-tUKU cnt-tUKU U0 lU a w hie ruilll.i of el lea. Mnojl ruca III a variety of tie pat-terns pat-terns lor tlu forllu ouiIiik. kiii-i.ii. While tan. Ill p.inivolH adnlne l nilh Velvet npplli utnilia In i;eom.'li I. til hK-urea. hK-urea. (Tiemlaettea and oilier fain y plecea of lluuerln niaile entin-ly of talln rltv bon ami Urn linn lace. TnlTetn l aiamil.. bonl. red with vlv U'tM. Ihla bonier I" In-: alumt two and a half Inchea In diiiin.-ter. Minima hani;liic.a of u lli:hl and ulry deacilpllona lor auuimer uko. Iheae bolni! moally In HkIiI colnra. Wall denima In a aiiclv of new pnt-tenia pnt-tenia and In color comhltiuiion, of which verilt la usually the ground tone. White taffeta gulf Jacket, the front embroidered with nolf club, clnvera, and other field tiowera, thla eiiilirolil ery being dour In natural color. "e alcohol lumpa made of allver lEa In the form of afreet lampa, the bowl fur alcohol being made nf colored glaaa and mounted on a long atero. |