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Show CONDITIONS OF CURRENCY. Annuel llr-.,l ,.r III. l'..mtl n.llrr ltr..l Mr unarr... The annual report of William II. Utilgely. comptroller of the currency, haa heeu prepnred for li-unsiui.aion lu cuugresa. The report aiaria with a table giving delulled .talemrnl of the re.uurie. and liahilllie. of all thn liiiti,, 1, nl hank, nf thu I nited Slnlea, a. ' .how 11 hy the live repurta of eollditlnil made III re.pulisu to the cull of the c..m.tr..llrr. I ' F rom thin indie U uppfum tliM on HfptciiiW-r IV l'1"-', lln-itfilt? uf Die U-.1 I rull, HhMK-iHtititiH rrpiirtnl. with I HKKn-K"-' i-i'w.wrt'i-Mif tti,ti:t,'.','i,Ul'.,.Mi, I The I mt ni Hint illscouuU Hiuuunti'd In 1 I l,'.Mis,r,7,4'0 rt'.i, or more than 60 per ' ri'iit of llie tolul rff.oiirc of lUe 1 lianlm. ileum of Mtrpluk ant) uo- I divlilr-l piolltn antouutil, rfpctlf uly,, . I to I,ii.'i.,:i,ii.v3.(i0 and 8Ht',i,'Jin.M t'.uj. 'I he individual ilipotikta reached the i tii)hel point in the exUtence of the -' j nattiMial imnUlliaf hVtrin, JjlJlMt.!,;- ma.tK. There waa due to approved re- T" Lj aerve amenta, other national banha, Y atate hunUa and hanhera, truatooui- 1 pan iff. ami aavlng baiiUit, the auiu of I l,,Joo.3,l,-.';ii.;m. I |