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Show 00 RUSSIANS MAKE VIOLENHTTACK Germans Break Down Storming Storm-ing Masses Enemy Losses Were Great. Berlin, Ian 16. By wireless to Say-rille Say-rille Russian forces undertook a violent at luck in Rumania yesterday on b.'ih sides of Fundeni. Today's war office report says the advancing Russian waves were cut down by the German fire which inflicted great losses. The statement reads. "Front of Archduke Joseph: Yesterday Yes-terday hostile attacks between the Kasino and Suchitza valleys were again without success. Rumanian troops who had entered our positions at one place were repulsed bj a coun ter attack On this occasion two officers of-ficers and 200 men were taken prls oner. 'Hrmy group of Field Marshal von j.Mackenson: After violent artillery preparation Russian masses in strong force advanced to the attacks on both sides of Fundini The storming waves broke under our curtain of fire some hundred meters before our positions. In the evening the attacks were repeated re-peated Some hostile deetachments In weak force reached our trenches but were immediately driven off. The enemy losses were great '" The statement reports the situation on the Macedonian front unchanged. |