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Show POLICE GRAFTERS ARE INDICTED Eight Men Involved in Chicago Chi-cago Investigation of Dealings Deal-ings With Underworld. Chicago, Jan. 18. Eight indictments, indict-ments, according to an announce ment from the state's attornev's office, of-fice, were voted today against men involved in the police graft investigation investi-gation which recently led to the arrest 'olire C C. liea-ley. liea-ley. other police oiflcers and various alleged go-between accused of aiding in collecting tribute from the underworld. under-world. It was also stated that the October grand jury which has been hearing witnesses in the graft inquiry, would be dismissed with the return of the indictments This action was regarded regard-ed as the outgrowth of the charge that a member of the grand jury had communicated happenings in the grand jury had communicated hap-j hap-j penings In the grand jury room to former Chief Healey's bondsman. |