Show DAIRY AND TOUI1llY INTERESTING CIIAPTBRS FOR OUR RURAL I1IADBI15 How ttirrrMfal Ihrmrn Oprral IliU llrpnrlnirnt if I In lam V life MlnU m In the ter of tlee l M < Mk and 1011 m N building aloa r I chef t nee of run d = 11 Ilrllrlloll does not it Interfere with II tf I fulne If the one 1 lIE 1M nth making making r he l atlcndod lo Ai yil evidence ot this wn pJJ jJ quote the following p deierlptlon of the elide of the well known ilatoman John bull of Ohio I m elves by I s Hani In In Home and Porno Mr Ootild I mther favors building the alto In tho barn n that sacs n roof nnd ghM olllallr protection the > silo being merely n big box The room taken up supplies ra much more feed I than the came pare oecuplrd l > > the hny that tho apparent toes la n reel Rain Here not atone foundation U I needed All that la required la to dig a trench the size of tho silo large enough to receive n 10lneh square all sod bed It In mortar underneath oDd on the tide 1 1 to nrm It Ret up the Iifl Inch studding IS inches apart from center cen-ter to center nnd lino up on tho Inilde with Inch lumber 10 Inch wide iross lecKcd nt the corner and no securely that el It nlllbo Impossible I to pull It apart Cover on the Inside of tho first lining with cheap tarred paper then run on another layer ot the fame hind of lumber put It on with n halt lap to na to break the Joint In the first layer and nail well with 10pcnny wlro nalli To make stir Hint Lila camera lira tight halo n 3x3lnch neantllng sawed through corncrwlte nnd nail these Into tho corners with n backing ot paper well painted with pan tnr The silage la taken out with tmnll doors unhinged unhing-ed let In from Inside l Tho pressure ot tho illago holds them securely In place and these ore taken out ono by ono BB tho feeding ot the ellngo progroMei When tho walls of the olio ore nnlihcd and painted with n paint made ot 3 quarts of cue tar and 2 quarts of gasoline gaso-line well tnlxeil taking core that no fire cornea near It In mixing or npply Ing tho floor may bo made by drawing I tho toll from the renter of the silo up In and pounding down against the aide walls until Iho floor la In the form ol n kettle Wetted when pounded nnd of clay this makes ono ot the beet floors Mr Could has two siloes of this kind built eight yearn neo holding 200 tona of MlaRO that did not cot 100 lie coos no coverings or weight to the on silage but when the Heat beglni to appear ap-pear ho scatters evenly over tho top 01 illago 10 or 15 pall at water whlcl causes an alrtlght mold to form which answer overy purpose and ho says causes tho waite of less than a wagon bed full of silage Surely any farmer could make such n alia ai hero deacrlb ed at len than 20 apiece of 100 ton rapacity thla would bo 7 or S acres of corn fodder per silo |