Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY TBHXtruMV n rt h 14 ewu = C It rleh r nNf JDNll 1 a A Merril All 14141 JIot ANt l Altnnw 1 R Tp urn I II 1r Iarbl N II Onhas I sea rwlw11fnaM Lou Ual + naY J r i E Jqlk IN 11141198 II W swllh Jlnllr IDol IllrtlWI 0 IV Hari JiMlM lib IHMrifl n II KlD fnr rTly I I 140111110 i7Jilj 51 K J t wtheii 9801 141151 J J Jakln ion benW r JuJlt r 105x 1711 llh I d Atl0450 II r Tnwonq Illfp1815981Ionrt 1101 Jltll Iok and WIIUm Alflttlwlrl rrr Minn AtoMwIit rlM Ma II Sl I rJJl l > l fmo TrLalrr thoMMll II Irae1987 Job Ibritlmou I Jii Tw r lbs ivr II ii thin rr ap1 r1998 qqt nnrtlM 15 n 1 Ita II DU II 11Mn1 MIIMk 15 11 J II III lliaehlltlrHihuteMrncbe warm a ten ilrmnal Dr J II MoUun1 Vol Souls Oil Itlnleiiiil on A im IJQlJII t HIM llfyii ll hllD Jill rar The trtjlwt will 11 mfjiciil rt tftuiw Ha roll Inmrtly Price sue WV and 4 I fr bolllt I lrl liamlwnt oUIro in i lixntM 1 one door south of OoaMllo liouw Muht call lit reiltleii unelilok twin I of TIMIK Orrii 955 1million Hut lrrt lor Pair lit ln TlNKi olHie Ur Prices Cream linking Powder World Pair Illsheit Award nitJKirvi utNint UVK Ito Iwt wire In the world tar fan Ittulltt faire tlctri Bait Illleam I Fererlwi Totter Chlppeil 1 IIan41 Crifn sad nil Rhln Cruiiilo chll Nh and Inal1lrelr surer 144 n IHI iMy retnlrrit It U i iiinrinl lto < ir < I rwrfecl intl4Mnn or inonflr rrliin tv0 I i lrltI tk font ii r tax ror rate h I Jhn Rllin tt on Dr J J CHAMBERS Physician and Surgeon OfHcc first doer south of Coal ville HOUR CoalvlUt Utah JAmS B IIOSMItR M D lbJIAII unit Snrifon fly pud I Ilulrn1I1I1 lbJlrlllo air l le I iii I 111rc t lilli b raexcept wln a50T IImnI teilrnre al 11llllan tied nns olI retllenr OLARKS Ixpmtt Leallier led ODD CEMENT The r1IiI1 i tlinontlii Hie vorlil Alp t11trly Vai rproot irk Hero per l lntll For alc 1 at CoJlrll Coop nr U ni Cl larks MUM shop Y TIN SHOP loiiieiuaile Tinware StovePipe Stove-Pipe Until Tubs Garden Sprinkler Oalvnniiixl Iron Zinc Copper tuul Sheet Iran Work etc made and Repaired by Joseph Jones TINNER Shop one Work cant of Stake House Coalvillc Utah GlofiB Barfier shop S Shop on Lower Mniil Street Everything First Class Shaving TicUts iio for ioo JOHN SHERMAN Proprietor MRS M E RHOADES Fall Millinery k Having just returned from A purchasiug trip I now luue the fiiient iqt pf Pall Millinery ever brought HI i Coilullc Call in i and see it All the i Latest Novelties LIII Iirgu amount of good Rag Carpet for ale cheap New shipment of latent sll sIn s-In lists ctt1 y ten days gy Wliifat niul oat taken in exchange for < goods MRS M K RHAODHS LEGAL NOTICE I 11 THE PI id IT f1 IN AHII run 111 I I r foutr i a n unit 5Y frrrlurf t Ihlji l tWIVf 111 III lor rrm e Ire h r M nhat 1w wr1 r off n5 t MNr rV Ulan xtiua fit > tlui > 1 l I p cons t1a 41fit 70 < M iiMUU u f i rulii I M > rllu I f r < 171St t I I II Iu 1a oil 1nrthf nu 5 7 4 eot lat 115 0 Id rtlua 1ne lerrl I 1 rjt n i and llA 7071 E 11441Nf awl ra Ii kaalut Mrrr Ih I In p 01 t 1 mil r 11th dal f rn A r 01 I 1 l In h n f 5 1 airi h14 I IIB mk a nn 4l vr 41 1 i 14490115 l nd law Ill 11 i i r l 4 f I Iv r I puhil I I Tr rl 11 a Ti twNpat11 Ynnrml 1 p t ul It I I Irll T all 511 t 1 i in I I 115114 ls I t X r 11 t r tv i Kyi A IIBI 4110 IMilAll 1 II I t < JVI I IKlsai4ra I Ill I m r 1tJ l r III Ii t Irt i ir d tar ThI I j i 4 > nlIlfiirf 1 > f < liTr I f f i 91 I I ill I 0115 Ki r a iBlllo ii > 1 llthn r in I i 0 M I 4 nijr 1rrtPaw hi I itr I M r 1 ionit Af 4uutnii < nl I Tiirlt r I lit 9751 I > it > Y11hdsyuf Nnirmlut i tin 5041fnr i mMlltiprttlli IUK cllm tii I luurlt w Imam A ll ljtu ay t 1 Jtim s > Hui II 751 lath 4llowt uu3 riwlrf Ui1M w llkiilhwMliiMMirifllir u Olin ytrLr I > ul 1Lr alswrtt ttlatrr ul i > > 1141111 < uarttollutIln Fatirii llxhnlp I 1w tl liinthul nuji rln I 1 M tot me + tlt l Ukv I HunlMU Bil ll it < M In th r nnty 7fY nual TcirHurrDtriSh 144111 111I ty n1r Yn n m1115 sit pptnegaw I1 pltn119 T4 hell 1 1111 1IrtT f w t lea I Yrils > iMiWr hu Krlifra aiiie mtluf KIH N s 1191 Idub nr 11adoul iwlth 198504 IL Torn ct M t 1 1fa J H c S Manlial nJ n TIKHIJT IMiuy il n1 14411 111171411 ifS lr w 1 11 IIIIII OSCAR F LYONS Notary Public and Conveyancer CollcctUm Iromplly mmlv on OmmUtlon 11 llttUr III III POsTOIlILi IllIIDIN i IrftJ hUlillllll ClUllljr Illlll I WLIIII RIIEtI Solnrj 1iilillr lln r r t nll > llHl > Ml Ir Irlrt nawmaht Echo moat maIkOt ios vroitcit iitoi > Choicest Meats in the County I and prices nil low as the lowest I 1PACIFIC 1 PACIFIC HOTEL ECHO Hoard hy day wed or month Special THUS to hunting and fishing par tic nod nccolii moditions for transients JOS STOKER Prop r = u j ZfVi 1 pi I t I i i I SCartattandTnde4111klAa uandtllal s i UtbuunencondudNlor SMnNIT fit S fiavaM OUS OUt M la OIIOIit e HMi 14198 U t pTINT uwiiiiH OIriC1 > Mj ford t I ttl heg3 BioJtldtwlorrh < o djKilp J I 5 lion Dr ijiln II piuitMlila or not ire ol f J i cbim UYrtnot dm nil pt nt I iiitd r I I S A r5 Pa I o la On lndata I with ten oluooiil Ibi U 8inJ oiei uc iimm iII i-II tee AdJru f CA SNOWCOI Ls rartNT 51nt WAaNINeTON D C O I I rnI I 1 i fSSJRADEMi COPYRIGHTS 170 > I onTAJNn nPATKNTf JaI r mpnw n 11n IM98t uVlnlon wnt IS I ffinncVo rt ptIM98lq l1 IMtel tr aYInN4 1odry Ynll uona aa < Ir nneaentl4 Alland4ok of la Ioruatlon mnrraln1 e tell nA 1n to ow i r lhm nt Z 1 euNrsu r m5hew r IMI anA CLnllal dwt wn ern I lUlnli UtD Ibrnuih iiunri A On nctlrt i cltl notlMlnlb HHrttune AmprlHB an4 llim 5r bronilil widolr MIwan piitillo Ub t trrt to 1110 InTfiittir Ibl tiV1111 Err 1wuml MAIrtlManllTllIuilrftliMl un rlh IrtNt croull > n > of nfMlfnime wurk Iq the 5r em1 n r rent ere I C1A11 4J5 tsi1lti 1r jlnYml rnlntpepbeu tlrul Vlu In 141941 t IK r It oJ now now with fl Uqa enLllna tUII 1 7041049 the al lNffAIlX INIfnPa t r Vw w1 Your 1Iltral IUI IIUAu5rAT COAL I i Always On Hand at the WASATGH MINE Lun1p 2001 J Strove 1 oi 1251 I Teams loaded l Prm11l111 N O Delay I PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber coal Dept O S M Co PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Hy purchasing your supplies in Home Made Articles Iroiu the COALVJLLE COOP We keep a full line of the following con llntl OH hand Mons Home Made Suits A complete line of Men Ladies and Childrens Homo Made Hosiery The Solomon llros and Z C M I Homo Made Shoe The celebrated Provo Homo Made Overshirts Undo rwcar Flannels Lindseys Blanket Yarns and Homo Made Silk Handkerchiefs Etc In I the Grocery Department We carry the renowned Grant Companys Home Made Soaps R J Knights unequaled Homo Made Laundry Blue We handle Gniuveson famous Home Made Axle Grease Tuckets delicious and pure Home Made Candies The Utah Slaughtering Cos unadulterated Homo Made Leaf Lard A full and complete stock of Home Made Brooms HOMIJ MAUI Pickles HOME MADE Crackers HOME MADE Cheese etc and the celebrated Reed Ilros HOME MADE Harness with a complete line of HOME MADE Harness Extras And rut hut not least we have a heantiful asssortmcnt of HOME MADE Babies Cloaks Dont forget we are a HOME MADE Firm and give us a call and learn our prices before purchasing elsewhereRespectfullyCOALVILLE COOP 3OYDENSlRUC TORE Prescriptions Filled HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STATIONERY COALVILLE i 4 SUMMIT COUNTY JS88BLE WONKS H WES Prop llonumonls Tablets t Curbing and Cornars 1 I If Ii I i Maggie Salmon dies I respectful call your attention to lilY new stock of Winter Milliner the most buiutitul assortment yet received The latest in high crown Sailors and Walking Hats Trimmings etc etc I have endeavored to meet the demands of the Indies of Caalvillc and vicinity by placing in stock a complete com-plete line Underwear Hosiery Caps fascinators Hoods Bonnets Shoulder Shawls Gloves and Mittens Mit-tens Complexion Soap and Toilet Articles I have n fine assortment of Undersnits for the cry little ones just what they need to keep them warm Also a nice line of Infants Long Cloaks and Childrens Short Coats for winter Call and see what I have for the comfort of I yourselves and little ones You will find that my prices and quality qual-ity of goods will compete with any in town Dressmaking in tin rear of the building Respectlitllv M R SALMON WILSON BROS t I11tlllti I Co A L Lump per ton 200 Stove per ton 150 r < i Nut per ton 50 At the Mine Notice O Ill connection vltU our line of DRY GOODS GROCERIES HARDWARE NOTIONS SHOES ETC We will carry u stock of MACHINE EXTRAS which we have ordered direct from the factory for all kind Ot mowers and binders that are used in this section of the country We also carry wagons mowers binders and hay rakes and min othet tiling Call and get our prigs before purchas ing cist vs lure is ue dell cdinpttitiosi I G W ROBT YOUNG Wanahip |