Show IInlllIk Omiiic Honie lckneij or nostalgia na It Is called In medical terminology said Post Hospital Burgeon McKIm at Washington Wash-ington la a welldefined malady In every army and carries nway n great many soldiers from apparently unknown un-known cause like Major Neumoyera beans A great many bravo aoidlers wnsto away with hopeless longing for their wives and children Tho records show that thousands of German soldiers sol-diers who wero compelled to tight In Napoleons army succumbed to helm wen It was pronounced In that army because Ibo Germans are very fond of their homo and dear ones and were fighting under the colors of their conqueror con-queror In some cases agalnit their own countrymen Hut It Is a tangible quality qual-ity In every army and there were thousands of serious canoe In the struggle strug-gle between Ibo north and the south |