Show ELECTRIC SPARKS DAILY LIST OP IIAPPCNINOS AND OTHER NCWS All IFe troant rnhr Ih rer vadeed t n is talent TltlII rilpaiebe tra Iles Tier and IrywFer aalaraa T Yoe 1 Karthinake at Horn I Jack Dampivy Ii dead Jis trcaiury djflclvfer October wan lnn01on5 s r + d It look the Jury Just five minute le coasted Theodore Durrani of murder In I the nn dgree The United Slate Supreme court took it rerrn until Monday the llth hurt I It la raid MnJorOcnnal John W 1 Miofleld retired lim decided I I I to ranko I hit home In ChicJgu He itlll ipenli has time rllhlll hlw memoir I A large increuu In the rain fur Iran Parting moiiev hv exprem order Hunt I I Into eTil Thl linTtnm U mid to I I avitrage y len cent Iwtneen Islinta cant I of Chicago and oven more to rolnlll I veil of that plulw j i The president mode the following appointment ap-pointment Sollrllnr fur the Department I i I Depart-ment of Elate Waller M Fulton North Carolina i Chief of I Ihtt Iloreau of Account t I Ac-count Stale Department Frank M Itrunifun Ohio Hunir Yv So I llolmeironlctnlof luunler In his flrtt Jngros llariardlrlmvtun fotl > ill game won by Irlmvton John II I lo kfeller gives ihreo mil IWII dollanlo tilt Ohleuifo iirjHrrilly Fllznlininoniji hacker Imlll hI him no moneyami match with ti > rl > clt U olf Prank 1 Johnson prvildgnt of the Clil sets Nallonal Hank of Oniulm suddenly 1 left the city owing MS inonuy I I earl Jutl Klrkuian she 10 been on trial I I before court III United 1 Slate army olllclali Port Illley Inn been noqiiltleil l on eicrychiirKe and ipMlllca lionThu Cute Unlltxl htateiand Muslran postal anthvrltlei lime OIl < hllcll arrange uientiohereby a nuingot tncntfour hours in the trunimliilon of Dulled I ftalMAikl MexIcan walls will be ef I frcte1 I All thofiignrreflnerleiInThlladelphlit clbied down on aecount of overproduction overproduc-tion The inanageii this ihuNlown It silly until after election y but It Ii Hated neon reliable authority that tIa uitiwitloii will Le Itiilcflnltc Tlio SU i1lohali > minion on Croit Creek irrallon tHi > nlyflta mill rein Illghmoro b 11 tine been le 1 itroyoJ by fir This buildings were erected by Mill Irate Drrxcl nine yram ago for 4ii Indian cchool and were under the lupwlilon of the Calliollci The lOll II 35000 J < Mmlr Slav 4 I Marihalltown lowsA Time Arcadia Arca-dia low ipeclal nays tho Uwn Ii burn nine an J no hire protection and a high wind Ii prevailing I Minneapolis MlnnM Falrbullt toddy to-ddy tie YalceU1 < Jeurllii mlllnll liven liteilliigi nil owned b > M 11 l Hhtllleld sine lcitrovrU Iiy I lire loIn 410000 I ninrancr t0000 lleililehein hiJobs Taylor gen > ral traffic mariHRvruf the IIIIl1I Val I lJr road died here of uiralyiii jeJ 74 year A widow and nine children six l ol them boy mtyUa him r Klamntli Fall Ore Adolphui C I Irlck a lioMethlel who tlfRIt l from pilion lilt week liehl up the stage from gerCal thin ulonllnC While Irlck wan rifling a mall tack lie wa hot by a puwager lll > noumlli not serious I Omaha At 3 111I thli murnlnz his Iree IOJnltl IIrlwJqfIf nri r w OJiiln ttJIlna o lent rain on llonard street the had been ruixxl und choked to death Site had boon ltiiiiKilncu euiilmj A man nam < V J I lOOkr Ii I under arrest Uttle i hall N YKrank A VII Url l a noted 1 w rllcr on Krlcnlturnl tub I Jecli dledotcoiiiumptliin In thli city 1 hint night afetl 1 14 llo had been a noclate editor of the Wrileni Farmer I of Wltroniln nnd o the Country Uentle I situ of Allnil I Clatvlaixl UMM Helen I Langdorf lot No 4 Patton sired Mae buried to j death Ihli morning und tier huibaud I and children barvly iimpnl 1 front thus I jhoiue which Hm destroyed together I with another home adjolnul t It Ii I sup t poiied MM Lnngdorf ntlemptcd t to tart till pre dUhi email oil Te > lay MUF B I Ihauparnoi Out Valentino Miortli tl t the alil Field Valler murderer wai ten tenced loiUjtolKi liangitl 1 January3 at 6 n m Ihillai TixSergeant MI I 11 Wolfs Cuuipanv II Third rlgluent United I army died suddenly ut tho recruiting or lure I hero from liyrophobla remit Ing I from the bite of a cut Oil City ISIII I night crews on tho I Wnlern New York shill IcnnijlvnnlA l I railroad itruck today The strike Ii I Mmftmd to the OlUity yard and everything every-thing Uijulct There U 1 no blmkade I I SprlngfltU llTIo mlnen hare I won the strike at > larne < Phaft No too and t-oo < hllo shaft thlIltIIlrlcl the I I operators Eranltng thmn 40 rcnti per ton crou weight The men at Fangs mon No2 pro Hill out The miners will endeavor toabolliU Iho day I ijitvm olpay In force In the ho mlnei i I 11 ednedr Nnb ait I ItalllmOM Captain IVcdk Lame tnd wife were murdered their homo I on I 1 ranklln avenue Uardenvllle lint night Their I iknlli i word crnihed an I they lay In Led unit the honsoranacked I It Ii iup > o ed rubbery wan tits lutes J I tiro Woodildt lung Iilaiid Nor 5 1 Jamm gchrnpck n farmer and a mail by this sunroof loser had A > uarrel over politic today loner truck bihttnuck over the limit with a liorie hoe Schencck U In n critical condition condi-tion The ftuthorltlei lire looalng for Boner Toronto Tho second trial of tho I llvnun Ilrollicri charged with the murder mur-der or William Well on January It 1603 commenced slits nfternton at i p m before Judge Ferguson MCMM I Wellman and < moods of How York ai I toclate counsel for tho prisoners h IITa I being I empaneled i i 1 |